My husband, my elderly mother and I traveled on Air Canada today from Montreal to Sydney, Nova Scotia. What that means is a first flight from Montreal to Halifax and then a connecting flight from Halifax to Sydney.
I pre-printed our boarding passes and when I saw the gate that the first flight was leaving from I was concerned. I knew from previous travel experience at Trudeau International that that gate was a particularly long walk from the security clearance area and was worried about my Mom. You see Mom broke her left femur when she was younger and the bone was improperly set (in fact it was never set at all!) The old injury really acts up in cold damp weather and March in Montreal is nothing if not cold and damp!
We got to the airport and got in the line to check our baggage in and as we got pretty close to the desk an agent saw us and asked what we were doing waiting. My Mom walks with a cane and the agent scolded us in a friendly manner that Mom should not be standing. She took us in front of the fairly busy long line and sent us to special services. She arranged a wheel chair for my mother. Generally my Mother would balk at someone suggesting she sit in a wheel chair, but the agent was so kind and understanding that Mom was easily mollified.
From the moment Air Canada became aware that Mom could benefit from special help the service was outstanding and remarkable – hospitals should be so courteous and helpful to their patients! The agent wheeled my mother to the gate. When the flight was called another agent came over and took her to the plane. Once we arrived in Halifax an agent was waiting for my mother and took her to the next departure gate, where we waited for our flight. All with a smile and gentle consideration.
Prior to the flight being called in Halifax to leave to Sydney the agent came and took Mom to the plane and got her seated. When we arrived in Sydney Air Canada again had a friendly qualified agent waiting and they helped Mom down the stairs, helped us with our luggage and took us to the front door.
In an environment where service is at premium, this was remarkable! We got to our destination and rather than my mother being tired and worn out, she was rested and in good spirits.
A big thank you to Air Canada, keep up the good job!