Bushwalking In Australia: A Fun Family Activity

Bushwalking is an Australian activity, so if you are in Australia you have to try it out.  Bushwalking is not only for the expert, it can be for the beginner. So what is bushwalking?  Well it is a hike or a trek along a trail through a park or forest, or it could be a full day walk or camping trip.

While I was in Australia I decided to do a bushwalk in the Blue Mountain Region.   There were many amazing bushwalks to explore but we decided to take a gentle one, for all levels

The scenery during the bushwalk was breathtaking: fabulous landscapes, valleys, flowers and wildlife.  One of the most scenic parts of the bushwalk was the Three Sisters on the east coast of Australia.  The have an amazing viewing platform that extends out over the mountain, my boyfriend was frightened to go out on the edge, but I was a little braver and the view was amazing.  The rock formation were certainly worth many photos

Not only were there spectacular views but the flowers we saw were so different from what we see in the United States and Canada.

Australian wildlife is very diverse and on some of our walks we saw Kangaroos but not on this one.  During this walk we encountered several lizards some small, some bigger, that were enjoying the sun.

So if you are Australia and are looking for a fun activity for all, try out a bushwalk where you can enjoy the natural beauty of Australia.  You won’t be disappointed!  Don’t forget to bring sensible shoes, a hat, sunblock and insect repellent for the trek 🙂


Robyn Good: Robyn is one of the Travel Moms and also the founder and owner of Celeb Baby Laundry and the Mom to 2-year-old Ava. She was recently named one of 2013's most Influential Moms In Canada.
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