How to Avoid Pickpockets When You Travel

The unfortunate truth is that travelers can be commonly targeted by pickpockets and thieves. How many times have you heard upsetting tales of scams, pickpockets, and malicious individuals getting their hands on the valuables of some innocent adventurer?

While you might want to take the time on your vacation to relax and forget about the stresses of daily life, letting your guard down too much could have unfortunate consequences. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you should spend every minute of your travel experience paranoid and clutching your valuables. Here are a few tips that could help you to avoid pickpockets when you’re traveling abroad.

1. Don’t Speak to Strangers

While getting to know new people from around the world can seem like a wonderful experience, it’s not always a good idea to simply talk to the first people you meet when you’re moving through some unfamiliar streets. People who seem strangely eager to be your friend may have an ulterior motive, and if they want you to follow them somewhere, you should be extra cautious. Don’t shut yourself off from the world, but be careful when it comes to interacting with strangers.

2. Don’t Act like a Tourist

It can be tough to avoid acting like a tourist when you are one, but it’s the best way to take yourself off the radar of potential thieves and pickpockets. Try to blend in by using the following tactics:

  • Dress plainly, following the fashion trends of the area you are visiting if possible. At the same time, wear as little jewelry as possible. It’s best to leave anything expensive, or valuable at home.
  • Act like you know where you’re going. Even if you have no idea where you’re headed, you should try not to look lost – as this can prompt malicious people to take advantage.
  • Be discreet with your money. Don’t just flash your cash or leave it peeking out of your pocket. Try to avoid patting your pocket all of the time to make sure your wallet’s still there too – as this just draws attention to where your money is.
  • Keep valuables out of sight. Cameras, phones, and anything else that’s particularly expensive should either be kept out of sight or locked up in your hotel room safe.

3. Don’t Fall for It

If someone asks you for a hug out of nowhere or tries to pull you into a crowd, make sure that you fight against it with all of your might. It might seem like you’re being a party-pooper, but the truth is that this is often a scam that’s used to lift money out of people’s pockets while they’re caught up in the chaos of a crowd or group. Keep your wits about you at all times!

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Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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