Walt Disney World & Universal Orlando Will Reopen At Their Own Discretion

According To This Source The Orange County task force announced that Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando should reopen at their discretion. On Tuesday, April 28, there was a meeting held by the task force which included the initial guidelines and mandates for reopening both Orlando theme parks. The task force held four additional meetings on Wednesday.

Walt Disney World And Universal Orlando Should Reopen At Their Discretion

Both theme parks are an important part of Orange County’s economy. That means each park should reopen at its discretion. The task force is more lenient about reopening the larger theme parks such as Walt Disney World Resort and Universal Orlando Resort.

Chuck Whittall, President of Unicorp, released a statement during one of Wednesday’s calls that he and Thomas Mazloum, Senior Vice President of Walt Disney World Resorts and Transportation Operations had: “Theme parks and other venues of that magnitude shall each develop their own specific and unique set of guidelines following the CDC recommendations and using best practices that will protect the life, health, and safety of their employees and guests. They will be permitted to open at their own discretion with their internally determined level of safe capacities throughout the various phases,” according to WDW Info.

There Will Be Major Changes At Central Florida’s Major Theme Parks When They Reopen Amid As The Coronavirus Restrictions Ease

There will be major changes at Central Florida’s major theme parks when they reopen amid as the coronavirus restrictions ease. Among the task force’s recommendations, both theme parks will operate at 50% capacity during the Phase 1 period. This may increase to 75% capacity during Phase 2, according to India Gone Viral. All cast members must wear facemasks.

Touchless hand sanitizer stations will be available at each ticketing entry and turnstile, and at each ride/attraction entry and exit. There will also be temperature checks for staff members prior to their shifts and wipe-down of all railways and surfaces. Cast members age 65 and older are advised to stay home.

To encourage social distancing, tape markings of 6-feet apart will be placed in the attractions and ride queues. Neither Walt Disney World nor Universal Orlando have announced when they will reopen or what measures they will consider.

Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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