European disability card and parking card
Recently, an agreement among European member states was reached on the establishment of a new European disability card. The agreement also includes parking cards for disabled persons, allowing them to use preferential parking spaces. In the future, special conditions will apply to those with disabilities in their EU country or residence, but also to other EU disabled citizens traveling to other countries in the bloc.
Traveling the European Union is, in itself, an enriching experience, but it should also be accessible to any EU citizen, with no exceptions.
A common card for accessible travel in the EU
Moreover, according to the Council’s decision, EU member states can also apply the same measures for stays or more than three months relating to the EU mobility programs.
It will be up to the authorities in each EU nation to issue digital and physical European disability cards in an accessible format. Those cards are to be recognized throughout the EU as proof of disability.
EU languages and disability cards
Meanwhile, the EU Council also noted the multilingualism of member states, agreeing that they can issue bilingual cards featuring their national languages and English. Moreover, member states will have the option to use QR codes on the cards, which is the most effective tool to prevent fraud.
Moreover, to avoid confusion and to ensure mutual recognition throughout the EU, the new parking card is to replace all existing parking cards for cross-border mobility within five years of the new directive. The new parking card is to be issued in physical format, while a digital version will be voluntary for member states.
Letting Europeans know
On the introduction of the new measures, member states and the EU Commission will be responsible for informing disabled persons about the new cards, including the special conditions that apply.
To that end, an EU website will offer relevant details about the European disability card and parking card. Moreover, the information will be available in all EU languages and accessible formats.
To enhance data protection, the EU Council added that data contained in the digital card will be encrypted and protected from unauthorized use. Moreover, the cardholder’s photo and signature will be removed from the physical card.
More on the EU disability card
While the proposal was adopted in September 2023, intensive work has since taken place at the technical level to reach a final agreement. Once plans are complete, the new directive is expected to start as soon as possible after the EU Parliament votes on its mandate at the start of 2024.