My Mother and I were given tickets to see the Back Street Boys at the Bell Centre in Montreal last night, August 6th, 2013. We decided to head down to the concert early and have dinner. When we got to the Bell Centre we tried to get into several restaurants in the area and they were all jam-packed with long lineups. Finally my mother suggested we try the Le Restaurant 9 4 10 which is located right in the Bell Centre.
When we arrived at the restaurant there was no lineup so we entered and were met by a representative of the restaurant who was at the bottom of the elevator heading up to the restaurant. He looked at my mother and I and said, “You realize this is a five star restaurant?” I was in shock, my mother and I were dressed properly and his implication was not nice.
Either he thought us too poor or too ugly. Even though he was rude, my Mom told him that was perfectly fine and we were permitted to enter the elevator to the restaurant.
When we got to the restaurant, we saw he décor was nice and has a pretty view but it was totally empty, that should have told us something. The waitress brought over the drink menu and there were only bottles of wine. We asked the waitress if they sold wine by the glass, she looked slightly stunned and then said yes, but she had to check. When she finally came back she still had no idea, so we decided to order a bottle of Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon red 2011 at $39. We soon realized the problem with the waitress was her marginal comprehension of the English language. The Bell Centre hosts many events and people come from all over the world, I am shocked they would have a waitress that was not fluently bilingual.
Now to the wine – any five star restaurant I have been anywhere in the world knows how to serve wine. This is not the case with 9 4 10, they brought the wine ice cold, a big no no.
The menu was not extremely extensive, but since we were not overly hungry we managed to find something. We both chose the Grilled Jumbo Shrimp, brushed with fresh herbs, mushroom, bacon and parmesan cream at $35. When the mean came it looked fine, however the taste was something different. It was obvious the shrimps had been baked and reheated. There was a strange taste of meat on the shrimps, believe me this was not haute cuisine by any standards. The meal was totally disappointing and far too expensive for the quality. To make matters worse two hours later I was sick and I suspect the shrimp.
There are so many other good and great restaurants in Montreal and you can do so much better for less money. Rude service, cold wine, lousy food, sick afterwards – give it a miss! If you are looking for a restaurant in Montreal that is miles better than this one try Chez L’Epicier, see our review [CLICK HERE]