Travel Tips: Camping With Your Toddler – How To Prepare

So thinking of camping with your toddler? Worried about how your 2-year-old is going to be able to handle it? Well, it’s not going to be easy, but it won’t be impossible either.

First thing, make you travel to a campground that has flushable toilets and a central shower area. Toddlers aren’t going to be able to go to the bathroom in the woods – and unless they’re still in their diaper stage, you’re going to be stuck with a lot of stinky and wet underpants. There’s also the added fact that they’ll also start smelling after a day, and wiping them down with baby wipes is only going to do so much. Kids are much more susceptible to bacteria and infections, and baby wipes aren’t going to be enough to get rid of everything.

Second, prepare for your kid to get dirty, and bring many changes of clothes. Third, be prepared for down time – bring them coloring books and toys to play with when they get bored. And I can guarantee you – they will get bored at some point or another.

Lastly, keep an eye on them at all times. They not be the kind of child that will run off, but you can never be too careful.

It’s not that hard to camp with toddlers, no matter how many incredulous looks you’ll get from your friends and co-workers when you say this. Include them in the camping process, pick a good spot, and just keep alert. Obviously, you won’t be able to go trekking or hiking – to some extent – but you’ll get to feed birds and sit by the lake. More than anything, you’ll be able to introduce your child to nature and let them explore, something they would never be able to do in a big city.

For more pics of us camping with Ava, [CLICK HERE]

Siyana Riley: I’m a writer who has traveled across the world, sometimes on vacation and sometimes because I’m dragged. I was born in the US, grew up in Dubai and California, and have spent most of my life scribbling random things on paper. Now that I’ve graduated college, I look to inspire more people to travel around the world and learn about different cultures. Favorite places to visit: Dubai, New York City [always!], London, Barcelona, Goa, Romania, Bruges, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuwait, South Africa, and Rio de janeiro. My goal is to visit every country in the world before I turn 60, so let’s see how far I’m able to achieve that goal.
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