If you have kids that are excited and curious about everything science, the city of Chicago is an excellent place for learning about all aspects of science. Kids can explore wildlife, learn about our water systems, engineering and architecture, discover astronomy, learn about the weather and so many other things without ever having to leave the city. The best part, so much of it is free for kids and families to do.
If you are looking for some fun science outings in the city of Chicago, try any one of these free ideas to fill a day, week or summer with learning.
Lincoln Park Zoo
The Lincoln Park Zoo is Chicago’s city zoo, free all the time for everyone. Even though it is in the center of the city, it is a full scale zoo with animals from every region of the world. Before heading to the zoo, talk about animal families, animal moms and babies (the zoo has a husbandry program),animal habitats or farm animals. All of these discussions are great starter discussions for when you are at the zoo with children.
Engineering and Waterway Fun
If your children are interested in the working of the Chicago waterways and engineering, the city is home to one of the most famous waterway engineering projects. The Chicago River was reversed and a special lock at the start of the river, where it meets Lake Michigan, opens and closes behind boats heading out onto the water. The best viewing spots for watching boats coming in or out, is at Navy Pier, where you can have plenty of family fun after watching the lock. To watch boats, and the occasional water canon, and other river traffic, stake out a spot near the Michigan Avenue bridge, which will give you the best view of the Lake and the skyscrapers.
Garfield Park Conservatory
The Garfield Park Conservatory in Chicago is a great outing where kids can learn all about plants, the way we and animals rely on plants, healthy living, and so many other lessons. The Conservatory is a Chicago landmark, one of the biggest and most important glass structures and always adding programming for children and families. Take some time to look at the different seasonal programs they offer, find out what is in bloom and then focus on seeing or learning about a single subject with each visit.
Adler Planetarium
Illinois residents can enjoy several free days at the Adler year round. The dates are added each month, so you need to watch the website for discounts. Children can learn all about the universe, our solar system, the stars and space exploration through hands on activities and exhibits. There is also a telescope that is available for the public to use for viewing.
Osaka Japanese Gardens
The Museum of Science and Industry sits along Lake Michigan on the south side of Chicago, if you’ve already been or are looking for alternate free outings in the area, walk behind the museum to the Preserve for plenty of science related fun. The Osaka Japanese Gardens have been here since the Chicago World’s Fair, a gift to the city, and it also happens to be one of the best spots in the city to watch the great migration of birds as they fly back and forth south. The lagoons here happen to be a haven for birds and other animals and even if migration season is over, a natural prairie garden holds many lessons for children interested in nature.