Perhaps I should alter this to things you should never say to anyone, but for when you are trapped in a confined space 30,000 feet in the air, you should really have your good manners engaged.
“Get me a…“
This is right up there with snapping your fingers at someone. Having even the most menial grasp of the lost art of please and thank you will keep these words from falling out of your mouth. “Yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often.” Remember, this person is not a butler or waitress. If you need a blanket or pillow, ask politely where the linens are located.
“This drink/food is overpriced!“
These days, a can of pop will cost you a couple of bucks, let alone an in-flight cocktail. Your flight attendant doesn’t control the prices nor do they get a commission on them. So, keep your thoughts to the ever-growing prices and quality of food to yourself.
“I will turn off my phone as soon I am done…”
Yes, this is still a problem. When the crew asks you to turn your phone off or end a call – end it. It’s not an abuse of power, it is just an enforcement of the plane’s policy. If you have that important of a call or email to send – you should have completed it before boarding. You can always ask the attendant at the gate what that particular airline’s rules are. They can vary across the board.
“Do you know who I am?“
Not one single flight attendant cares if you own your company, created the glue for Post-Its or have a Mercedes, swimming pool, sauna, and room for a pony. If he/she won’t bump you to first class or doesn’t allow you to continue playing Words With Friends during takeoff, never ever try to throw your name around.
“It’s not like I have a bomb in my backpack.“
Some witless wonders will throw the retort out in an attempt to be funny or get attention. Just don’t. There is no faster way to get kicked off a plane.
“I have a bad feeling about this flight.“
The crew are trained and will handle anything that comes along, but your “premonitions” and worries are not something they will deal with. If feel like something is going to go wrong – stay at home.
“If I miss my connecting flight, what will happen to my miles?”
Any question about your miles, fees, charges or other financial matters should always be directed to a customer service rep or the program’s office.
Generally speaking, you should never fight with your attendant. If you disagree and feel a huge injustice of some kind occurred, write down the situation immediately. Do not embellish the truth or include anyone not directly involved. After the flight call the airline’s customer service line and send in a written statement.