Those passengers aboard a flight to Salt Lake City were in for a treat as Southwest Airlines attendant started the routine. Instead of your typical rundown that no one really seems to listen to anyway, Marty Cobb gave the speech her own spin…
“If we could pretend to have your attention for just a few moments, my ex-husband, my new boyfriend and their divorce attorney are going to show you the safety features,” she began before continuing on as the cabin filled with laughter. “Position your seat belt tight and low across your hips, like my grandmother wears her support bra.“
She filled the entire routine wit and kept the passengers giggling and laughing as she went into a moment of sarcastic honesty. “Everybody gets a door prize in the seat back in front of you, along with dirty diapers, chewing gum wrappers, banana peels and all the other gifts you leave for us from time to time.“
By the end, the passengers gave her a round of applause as she finished with the promise, “If there’s anything at all we can do to make your flight more enjoyable, please tell us … just as soon as we land in Salt Lake City. And if there’s anything you can do to make our flight more enjoyable, we’ll tell you immediately. We’re not shy in Southwest.”
Brad Hawkins, a spokesperson for Southwest, was proud of her shining moment to create a twist on something that gets passengers engaged and responsive in a positive way. “We’re always trying to make the flying experience something other than what people might dread. Flying can be tough, with security and everything. You saw how engaged those people were. We’re proud of the individuality we’ve created,” he assured reporters at Yahoo. “She’s just another shining example of that.“