When traveling, it is always fun to spot locations where your favorite shows or movies were filmed. In some cases, those locations can be destinations within themselves. Below is a list of famous locations In the U.S. that you can visit during your next trip.
- Elliot’s House in Tujunga, CA: Who can forget the friendliest alien to ever hit the big screen? 7121 Lonzo St. is now a residential home that once served as Elliot’s home in the movie E.T.
- Home Alone in Winnetka, IL: The McCallister house where Home Alone was filmed can be found at 677 Lincoln Ave. in Illinois. Here you will find a large house in the center of suburbia where Kevin McCallister pulled stunts on a pair thieving crooks.
- Forrest Gump Bench in Savannah, GA: Although the famous bench where Forrest uttered the most well-known line of the movie is not actually there, Savannah Georgia is home to the park where that scene was filmed. You can find it at 14 W Hull St.
- Friends Apartment Building in NYC: At the corner of Grove and Bedford in Greenwich Village, you can find the building where the six friends lived. The building is shown very frequently throughout the show leading into scenes where Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe were up to their usual shenanigans.
- The Goonies in Astoria, OR: Several locations throughout Astoria, Oregon were featured in the popular film The Goonies. At 368 38th St., you can find Mikey’s House, 370 38th St. is the home of Data, and 441 8th St (Flavel House Museum) is where Mikey’s dad worked as a curator.
- The Goodfellas at Jackson Hole Diner in Queens, NY: This diner is where we first meet Henry Hill who was waiting outside the restaurant to steal a truck. The diner is still open for business today at 6935 Astoria Blvd N, East Elmhurst.
- Carrie Bradshaw’s House in NYC: In Manhattan’s West Village (64 Perry St), you can find Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment building from Sex and the City. Relive all of Carrie’s good night kisses and NYC moments at the steps leading up to this iconic Manhattan building.
- Die Hard at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles: The building served as staging ground for the scene in which Bruce Willis battled it out with Euro-terrorists in Die Hard.
- Good Will Hunting at a Dunkin’ Donuts in Cambridge, MA: At 1230 Massachusetts Ave., you can find a branch of Dunkin’ Donuts that was featured in Good Will Hunting’s most famous scene. Feel free to stop by for coffee and maybe ask people how much they like dem apples.
- The Walking Dead Prison in Zebulon, GA: A fan of lots of gore and the undead? Well, you may be happy to know that the prison where the gang once called home is an actual place in Zebulon, Georgia. It’s a prison called West Central Prison. In the popular cable show, the prison is where Glen proposes to Maggie, Judith is born, and where Hershel (and many others) lost their lives.
- Dumb and Dumber Hotel in Estes Park, CO: The Stanley Hotel was used as a filming location in Dumb and Dumber. In the movie, the hotel was known as “Hotel Danbury” and was the place where Harry and Lloyd went on their spending spree.
- Walter White’s House in Albuquerque, NM: If you’re ever in Albuquerque, New Mexico, be sure to visit the home of TV’s favorite meth dealer. At 3828 Piermont Dr., you will find the house that was staged as Walter White’s house in Breaking Bad.
- Marty McFly’s House in Burbank area, CA: In the Back to the Future trilogy, Marty was shown coming in and out of this house regularly. You can now find the house at 9303 Roslyndale Ave, Arleta.
- When Harry Met Sally at Katz’s Deli in NYC: Katz’s Deli was featured in the movie as the place of Meg Ryan’s famous “faking it” scene. Be sure to also order up a pastrami or corned beef sandwich while you’re here. It’ll be just about the best deli sandwich you’ll ever have.
- Full House in San Francisco, CA: The building was shown as being home to the Tanners in the show Full House and can now be found at 1709 Broderick. For anyone born in the 80’s, this house can bring back some great childhood memories.
To state the obvious, for the big TV and movie buffs, you certainly can’t go wrong with a visit to Universal Studios in California where you can take a tour of the sets from popular shows and movies such as Leave it to Beaver, Desperate Housewives, Jaws, and many more. On the east coast, a stroll through Central Park will give you a view at the most filmed spots in the world.