Your everyday habits, like chewing gum or wearing patent leather shoes, could be breaking the law in certain areas of the world. Even America, land of the free, isn’t exempt from some of the wearing underwearweirdest laws in the world.
Most of these laws were once deemed practical at the time of their institution, but were simply never overturned. Still, when traveling, it is always best to research foreign areas. You can also check out Etiquette Tips for Americans Traveling to Foreign Places to make sure you aren’t accidentally being rude.
- Get a physical before entering the Palace of Westminster. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
- In Victoria, Australia, every taxi is legally required to have a bale of hay in it.
- Southington, Connecticut equates Silly String to weaponry. It is banned for fear something tragic may happen. I did a bit of research and could not find any deaths by Silly String or tragedies at the hands of Silly String.
- Cleveland rocks, but not in patent leather shoes. Why? It is illegal for women to wear the shiny shoes for fear it might provide and upskirt reflection.
- In Flint, Michigan, it’s illegal to wear your pants so low that it exposes your behind, underwear covered or otherwise. In 2008, the city passed a ban on “sagging” pants. A few other cities followed, but crimes against fashion persist. Recently, Ocala, Florida overturned the ban. FYI – The birth of the trend is said to come from “prisoners that would wear their pants low to let other inmates know they were sexually available.”
- Chewing gum is treated like a narcotic when it comes to the laws in Singapore. It’s illegal to import, sell, or bring gum into the country.
- In Mato Grosso, Brazil, it is illegal to build or store anything on a stretch of land that is reserved for alien landings.
- Eating mince pies on Christmas Day in the United Kingdom is banned. However, it is a dated piece of legislation, courtesy of Oliver Cromwell in the 17th Century, that was simply never overturned and is actually a staple dish for the holiday.
- Absolutely no bear wrestlingmince pies in Alabama. You can’t own or train any species of bear for wrestling purposes. Take note, Davy Crockett.
- Going commando will end in a Thai prison. It’s illegal to leave your home without wearing underwear in Thailand.