Flying is already a challenge. The pricey tickets, the shoe removal pre-boarding, the tiny cramped seats, and the confinement all make for awkward situations. Yet, there are still uncomfortable and creepy things people do on a plane that can make your trip even harder to enjoy.
1. Getting Too Comfortable…
What’s worse – Someone kicking the back of your chair or someone taking their socks off and putting their unsheathed feet in your personal space? The most vile experience one can have on a plane is being exposed to a stranger’s bare feet in a confined space for hours.
2. Watching inappropriate movies…
Most of us try to mind our own business, but boredom often takes over and when your squeezed into a small spaces, you’re going to check out what your seat neighbor is watching on their computer or tablet. Despite the fact that you may think you are being clever and scrunching yourself up, pointing the tablet away from prying eyes – the guy behind you can clearly see your adult film or the reflective property of those windows will also reveal the fact you are watching inappropriate content.
3. Getting drunk…
Maybe you’re flying to a bachelor party or escaping really, really bad breakup, but getting drunk on a plane is a problem for everyone, no matter how cool Dierks Bentley makes it sound. Depending on the situation, a drunk passenger can force the plane to make an emergency landing. Not only will the passengers hate you, you could be arrested, and banned for life from flying with the airline. Or, fellow passengers might take initiative and tape you to your seat. Before you laugh, it happened. A man was taped to his seat (completely with tape over his mouth) during a flight from Reykjavik, Iceland, to New York. The flight attendants happily turned a blind eye to this after the drunk passenger continued to yell, “This plane is going to crash!” after attempted to choke the woman sitting next to him.
4. Hitting on your seat neighbor…
It might seem like a good idea to hit on your attractive seat neighbor, but take note that if they are not interested, you’ll have a super-awkward remaining flight. There’s nothing wrong with being friendly, but save the “moves” for a better time. Also, before you send a drink, strike up a conversation, otherwise, it comes across as -“Hey there stranger, I’ve been watching from the back of the plane. I don’t want to bother with the exchange of pleasantries. Wanna date me?“
5. Sleeping on someone’s shoulder…
It’s one of the common complaints, but strangers will still cuddle up on your shoulder and it’s never ok. If you’re that tired, ask for a pillow. If the plane is in short supply, ball up your coat or scarf. If that fails, make sure you turn your body away from fellow passengers. If you’re in the dreaded middle seat…try and stay awake. Furthermore, follow the Golden Rules you learned at preschool, and keep your body to yourself.