Cold and flu season is just around the corner, and with an increase in upcoming holiday travel everyone wants to avoid getting sick. Luckily, there are some natural treatments to treat and prevent illness of the go.
Prevent Illness
The Center for Disease Control, also known as the CDC, recommends getting a flu shot every year. However, the shot typically only covers 3 or 4 strains that are predicted to be the most common for that upcoming year. Also, children under the age of 6 months are too young to be vaccinated.
To ensure you stop the spread of germs and help prevent illness naturally:
*Wash hands with soapy water. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can work, but washing your hands with soap and water is the best line of defense. Be wary of antibacterial products that contain triclosan or triclocarbon. The two synthetic compounds could pose health risks like bacterial resistance or hormonal effects, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
*Avoid touching your face, nose, and mouth. These three spots are prime entry spots for germs to invade.
*If you are ill, make sure you are fever-free – without the use of fever-controlling medications – before venturing out into the world and exposing others to your germs.
*Don’t be afraid to wipe down surfaces, especially where you will be dining. Public restaurants and that tray table on your flight are two prime locations it is wise to wipe down with a cleansing towelette.
*Sneeze and cough into a tissue. That is the best trap for germs, but if you are in a pinch make sure you cover your face with your elbow instead of your hands. This will limit the spread of germs via the air and keep the germs from your hands which touch everything from door handles to money.
*Vitamin C, ginger tea, zinc, echinacea, and garlic are are fantastic natural cold and flu preventatives.
Decode Your Mucus
Your body might be warning you of an illness. As gross as it sounds, your mucus can tell you a lot about your health. So investigate your snot if you think you are sick.
Clear – You’re healthy and good to go!
White – Sign of some congestion and swelling or inflammation in the nasal passages.
Yellow – You’re likely fighting a cold, the flue, or other infection.
Green – Your body is fighting and illness or infection with vigor.
Pink or Red – This could be a sign of dry or irritated tissue. Check with your doctor.
Treat Yourself With Natural Options
Cough – Not only is honey typically safer than drugs like dextromethorphan, it’s usually more effective at treating a cough. Coating the throat will help ease discomfort. Do not use honey when treating children under 1 year of age. For coughs lasting longer than 3 weeks or are accompanied by wheezing, shortness of breath or chest pain, get immediate help.
Soar Throat – Gargle with salt water to ease pain. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt with 250 mls of warm water, gargle and spit.
Cold Symptoms – Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of fresh shredded ginger root. Let it soak into a tea, and sip.
Chicken Soup – It’s a time-tested remedy that has been used for decades. Soup with garlic and onions naturally kills germs outright and studies suggest it stimulates the immune system.
Congestion – Add thyme oil or eucalyptus oil to pot of water and boil. Cover your head with a towel, close your eyes to prevent the oils from irritating your sensitive eyes, and breathe in the steam. You are on the go, try placing a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a hanky and hold it under your nose while you breathe.
As always, check with your doctor for a solution that is best for you. Make sure you are not allergic or sensitive to any essential oils, vitamins, or herbs before use.