Head Back To School With A Peanuts Backpack From Hanna Andersson #ilovemyhannas #BTS @Snoopy

Nothing says back-to-school like shopping for kids’ backpacks, which can always be a daunting task. You want something affordable, practical, and sturdy – they want something with their favorite cartoon characters on it, regardless of whether it meets any of the items on your checklist. Luckily, my 7 year old nephew Jayden and I were able to both get what we wanted, and he is tickled pink by his new Peanuts backpack from Hanna Andersson.

Summer is half way over, and if your family is anything like ours then you are probably already getting overwhelmed with back-to-school preparations. I like to buy supplies for the kids here and there throughout the summer so that we aren’t waiting in line at the store with shopping carts full of supplies two days before school begins. The first item on our back-to-school shopping list is always backpacks, and it usually is the most controversial item too. Your kids want to be fashionable and rock their favorite characters, you don’t want to break the bank or have to buy a new kids backpack in three months because the first one literally fell apart at the seams.

As you all know, my family and I are Peanuts and Snoopy fanatics. We have Snoopy books, Snoopy toys, Snoopy shirts, and the list goes on and on. Seriously, it doesn’t matter if you are 5 or 50 – who doesn’t love Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the Peanuts Gang? When I heard Hanna Andersson, one of my favorite online stores to shop on was unveiling a new Snoopy line just in time for back-to-school, I couldn’t wait to check it out. I instantly found the Peanuts Backpack, and showed it to my nephew Jayden. He was in love with it when he saw all the familiar faces of his favorite Peanuts characters plastered all over it – and I bought it for him without hesitation.

When the Peanuts backpack arrived in the mail, Jayden paced around impatiently waiting for me to open the package so he could try it on. Of course he began squealing with delight when he saw the bright blue bag with Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Pigpen, and the rest of the gang. I began squealing with delight because it was everything I had hoped it would be: sturdy, practical, and affordable!

The Hanna Andersson Peanuts backpacks are approximately 18 inches tall and 5.5 inches wide, so they are perfect for an elementary student who doesn’t have to carry home their weight in textbooks every day (yet, their time will come). And the quality is amazing! Not only is the Peanuts backpack made out of super durable polyester that won’t be tearing or ripping at the seams for probably many years to come – there are also double zippers so when Jayden crams the bag too full and tries to zip it he won’t break the zippers! I’m not sure how, but at least once a year every child in our family somehow manages to literally walk right out of school without their backpack – and “lose it.” Thankfully, there is an interior nameto write Jayden’s name on it, for when he “loses it.”

I am never disappointed by any of my Hanna Andersson purchases, but the Peanuts backpack is by far my favorite yet from their online store. And, Jayden is absolutely in love with it – hopefully he will take it off at some point this summer and not wear it out before he heads back to school this fall!

DisclosureI am a Peanuts Brand Ambassador and was provided with a Peanuts Backpack as a participant in this promotion. The opinions in this post are 100% mine.

Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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