Lampe Berger Paris Review: Amazing Time-Tested Air Purifier – Make Your Home Gorgeously Fragrant

My house smells amazing! My husband and I travel often, and when we come home after a month of being away – our house tends to get a bit of a musty smell. I have tried every brand and style of air fresheners, incense, alcohol base warmers, and spray out there – but I was never truly satisfied. Once I tried the Lampe Berger Paris, my search for an amazing time-tested air purifier was over!

Complete Odor Remover

The Lampe Berger Paris isn’t your typical air freshener, it doesn’t just mask unwanted odors in your home – it removes them! The state-of-the-art design was actually created over a century ago and used in Parisian hospitals to purify the air. Once the air in your home is squeaky clean and scent free, the Lampe Berger emits a fragrance of your choice (and there are SO many choices). The problem with most air fresheners today, is that all they are doing is filling the already polluted air in your home with more scents. Although they tend to smell nice, they are basically just covering up the problem. Lampe Berger Paris completely removes the problem!

When I received the Lampe Berger Paris in the mail, I was a bit mystified at first – it’s not an actual lamp that you turn on and light up a room. First, you fill the “lamp” a little over half full with the Lampe Berger fragrance of your choice, and I highly recommend Paprika. Next you insert the wick and screw the lid on so that it absorbs the liquid, which if done correctly takes about 15-20 minutes. Once the wick has absorbed the alcohol based liquid, you light the ceramic top of the wick and let it burn for a few minutes and then blow it out. After the flame is out, you place the vented top of the Lampe Berger – and the magic begins.

Unique and Fresh Scents

My house is fairly large, and generally the best line of attack is simply putting an air freshener in every room. Now, I have two Lampe Bergers – one upstairs and one downstairs, and they get the job done just fine. Downstairs in the kitchen I tend to use fresh fragrances with citrus – it makes everything smell so clean. My go to fragrance for the kitchen is “Lemon Flower.” When you walk in and the Lampe Berger is on, it smells like I have scrubbed the entire kitchen from floor to ceiling with cleaning supplies.

Upstairs where our bedrooms are, I opted to go for a more subtle scent, and I am absolutely head over heels in love with Lampe Berger Paris’s Paprika oil! Another one of my favorite fragrances is “Vanilla Gourmet.” The fragrance bottles come in 500 ML sizes and 1L sizes.

Personally, I usually go for the smaller bottles because I like to order several at a time and I can have a variety on hand – but if you like to commit to one scent in your home, then the 1L will be perfect for you.

Powerful Results in Subtle Design

Within one day of using my new Lampe Bergers, I was truly in awe at how effective they were. There were no pet odors, no musty smells, when I was cooking dinner and the Lampe was in the kitchen – I couldn’t even smell the food cooking. My husband asked me when we were having dinner because he had no idea I was in the kitchen preparing it, that’s how quickly and sufficiently the Lampe Berger Paris purifies the air. Every time we have company over, they comment at how amazing the house smells – and then they are in awe when they realize the scent is coming from the Lampe Berger. It truly looks like a piece of décor, unlike other air fresheners – there are no open flames or chunky wires plugged in to my outlets.

If you are anything like I was, and have been on a never-ending mission to eliminate the odors in your home – then the Lampe Berger Paris is for you. Seriously, I’m upset that I didn’t get one sooner! You can head over to the official Lampe Berger Paris website and pick out yours today, and good luck choosing your fragrance – there are SO many options!


Disclaimer: Tourist Meets Traveler has not received any payment as a result of this review. We received the product in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are 100% our own.

Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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