Black Friday Deals – How to Win and Save

I can’t believe I am saying this but the holidays are quickly approaching which means that Black Friday will be happening soon! Are you planning on hitting the stores on this year’s busiest shopping day?

We all know what to expect on Black Friday. People. Lots of people. And deals. So many deals! But did you know that there are some secret tips that will help us even more? With these tips we save more money, save more sanity and we can win Black Friday.

Have a Game Plan

Make sure you plan out your shopping trip. Before you shop, ask yourself these questions:
What stores are you going to?
What are you planning to buy?
What is your budget?

Once you have answered these questions, be sure to prepare a schedule and a budget.
If you plan on hitting more than one store, you will find it best to prepare a schedule of which stores you will be going to first, second, etc. Make sure to include on your schedule what items goes on sale at different times, so you don’t miss the big ticket items that will sell out quickly. Be sure to include your budget with your list too. You don’t want to end the night in a deficit.

Start on Thanksgiving

I don’t really suggest heading out and shopping on Thanksgiving. I do however, suggest that once your holiday festivities have died down, you sit down at your computer or phone and check out the sales that will be happening online.

Start Early on Friday

If you are going to shop on Friday, I suggest getting your rest on Thursday because the best deals start early. I don’t mean head out at 7 and shop, I mean head out at midnight through 3 a.m. This is when the real deals happen.

Make it a Team Effort

Black Friday really needs to be done in teams. In order to really find the best deals, you need to have a partner (or more) with you. In addition, you need to be prepared to split up. The doorbusters sell out quickly, so if they are what’s on your to-buy list, you need to split them up! Shopping with a partner is much more fun than shopping alone anyway, don’t you think?

Stay Comfortable

No need to dress up. Put on your most comfortable jeans or yoga pants and your tennis shoes, then get ready to get your deals. Heels, dressy clothes and fancy jewelry won’t help you score deals, but you may get some sore feet. Oh and don’t forget your coffee! You need something to keep you awake at those crazy hours!

Don’t Assume Everything is a Good Deal

Just because it’s Black Friday, doesn’t mean that everything is a good deal. Don’t be afraid to say no to a purchase. That’s why it is important to stick to your list and your budget. It’s easy to go over budget if you grab everything that is advertised.

Hop Online

If you really want to shop, but can’t stand the thought of the crowds, do all of your Friday shopping online as well. The deals happen almost as quickly online as they do in store, but sitting in your sofa is a lot easier than pushing through the lines. Besides, online shopping is much less stressful anyway.

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Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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