Hurricane at Disney World: 5 Tips on How to Survive

Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida, January 31st 2007: Sunset at the Entrance

Hurricanes are common around Florida but rarely affect Disney World operations. It does happen though. Disney has protocols in place for just such situations and it is a relatively safe place to be, even if your vacation is it all you hoped it would be. Here are some important Disney world tips on how to survive a hurricane at Disney World.

Closures are Rare

Disney World is a great place to be during a hurricane. Closures are rare, but spoiled plans aside, the hotels are generally very safe. If you do plan a vacation in Disney World during the hurricane season June-November you may want to avoid getting a cabin at Fort Wilderness. However, even if you do and there is a hurricane warning, you will simply be transferred to a better suited hotel.

Disney World has only closed 6 times in a nearly 50 year long history. Each time was due to hurricanes. Hurricanes do occasional reach Disney World, but Disney is prepared for such occurrences and usually suffers minimal damage. Precautions are all in place for maximum guest safety and comfort.

Storm Ready

Disney World is a safe place to seek out during hurricane warning. Disney World is nationally recognized as Stormready® which means it passes specific criteria set forth by the National Weather Service and state and local officials for emergency management. Florida residents and those in neighboring states evacuating from their homes for safety can and do seek shelter in a Disney World resort. They find it much safer weathering a hurricane at Disney World than somewhere else.

Hurricane Policy

Disney World has a hurricane policy that allows guests to reschedule or get a refund if there is a hurricane warning issued within 7 days of your vacation. However, this does not account for all of your travel plans. For expenses not handled through Disney, you will need to settle those matters separately. If you plan a trip during hurricane season, buy travel insurance in anticipation of a potential hurricane at Disney World. Though it is unlikely to happen, it does happen. Having the travel insurance helps to recoup travel costs. Even better is to have a travel agent who specializes in Disney. They can handle all of the frustrating matters for you and get you what you deserve.

Resort Lobby and Amenities During a Hurricane at Disney World

While a hurricane at Disney World is not any fun at all and you can expect to be cooped up for your own safety, There are some silver linings. First of all, should a hurricane hit Disney property, be aware that there are curfews. Plan accordingly so you are not stranded in the storm. The hotel will be bustling with activity as no one will be allowed to leave. There are a few things you can expect from Disney to help lighten up the situation a bit. Arcade games will probably be free. You can also expect to see characters do meet and greets in the lobby. If you prefer to stay in your room, the in room movies are available for free.

Keep Updated

Be prepared for power outages, but know that they rarely happen in Disney World. SInce Disney has its own power grid, you will likely be able to stay informed 24/7 from news coverage in your room. If this does become impossible during a hurricane at Disney World, you can still get information from the front desk. If your room is in a building separate from the lobby, you should still be able to contact the front desk from your room phone. You should also be aware of incoming messages on the room phone, too.

Have you ever experienced a Hurricane when you were traveling? We’d love to hear your suggestions in the comments section below!

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Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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