Mistakes People Make Traveling With Cats

We all mistakes. After all, last time we checked, we’re all human. Some mistakes can be more disastrous than others. The same can be said about making a mistake while traveling with your cat or pet. Sometimes, even the most honest mistakes an owner can make can lead to a terrible ending for your cuddly family member. Make sure you pay close attention to several mistakes that people have made, and how you as an owner, don’t have to make the same mistake.

Expecting It To Be Without Stress

When someone thinks that traveling with pets is going to be without its struggles, it is living in fantasy land. Whether it’s a dog or a cat, they’ll be under stress and anxiety because they don’t know what’s going on. The only way they know to cope is the way that drives their owners bonkers. No matter which way you travel with your cat, there will be stress.

Not Having Your Pet Microchipped

Owners that decide to travel long distances with their cat, whether it’s by plane, car or ship, should make sure their cat microchipped before they travel. That way, if you get separated from your feline, you’ll have a better chance of recovering them. Losing them far away from home would be devastating.

Not Up-to-Date Vaccines

If you’re planning on your cat being a passenger aboard a plane, they’ll have to be up to date on their vaccines. Most airlines will require a health certificate and all their vaccinations up to date to go aboard.

Not Checking Airline Policies Ahead of Time

Not checking the airline policies for your kitty cat ahead of time, can be the difference of everything working out smoothly, to you and your cat missing your flight altogether. Every airline is different.

Just because your cat made it with another airline in the past, doesn’t mean this one will allow your cat aboard. Make sure you find out what the policy is for your cat’s breed, size, and other requirements while being transported.

Keeping Your Cat Out of the Cargo Bay

Don’t make the mistake that some owners do and treat your cat like they are luggage. Cargo bay areas are meant to hold luggage and briefcases, not breathing animals. The cargo area is not meant for comfort, where temperatures drop to extreme cold. Dozens of pets die each year because of being loaded into the cargo area. Most airlines will allow you to bring your cat on board as long as you keep them in a carrier.

Failing to Research Vets Where You’re Headed

You never know when your cat might get sick or a little crazy. Knowing ahead of time who and where you can turn to, to take care of your cat’s needs will be important. You can never be too prepared for your pets.

Don’t Leave the Cat in the Car

You also don’t want to make the mistake of leaving them alone in the car for a long period of time, while you’re eating dinner or who knows what else. Try and plan ahead of time by having a place where they can rest and your family can go about their day. The last thing you need on vacation is a cooked or frozen kitty-ka-bob, or someone calling the police on you during your trip.

These are several mistakes that people make when traveling with their cats. What other mistakes have you made, or know someone else that made a mistake with their cat while traveling somewhere? Tell us your funny or not so-funny-story, we’d love to hear it.

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Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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