1. The Great Wall of India, Rajsamand
Everyone knows about the Great Wall of China, but did you know India has the second-longest continuous wall in the world? The wall surrounds the ancient fort of Kumbhalgarh and is often referred to as Kumbhalgarh Fort or Kumbhalgarh Wall.
Kumbhalgarh Fort is one of India’s best-kept secrets and contains more than 300 ancient temples. The fort and wall were constructed 500 years ago. While the official name is Kumbhalgarh Wall, it is better known as The Great Wall of India. This is fitting as the wall winds over a distance of 22 miles around the perimeter of the fort, making it the second longest after the Great Wall of China.
While the fort itself is fascinating to visit, the massive wall makes a fascinating and beautifully scenic walk. The wall snakes along mountaintops and through valleys, with panoramic views along the way. The wall itself consists of thousands of stone bricks and has decorative flourishes along its top. The Kumbhalgarh Fort has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of the Hill Forts of Rajasthan.
While the Kumbhalgarh Fort and Wall were a great defense in the past, these days the site has become an attractive and popular tourist destination. The most comfortable time to visit is between October and March.
2. Hanuman’s Temple, Jaipur
Anyone in the mood for monkey business should visit this sacred Indian temple located six miles outside of Jaipur. Built of pink stone, Galtaji at Galwar Bagh is a Hindu sanctuary where pilgrims bathe in the seven sacred reservoirs and springs in the complex. The site is located on a hill offering scenic views over the flatlands of Rajasthan.
Besides the springs, there are several temples dedicated to various spirits and deities. One of these is a temple dedicated to Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god. The temple and its surrounds have been literally given over to monkeys, who happily live here.
Visitors are warned that the primates are mischievous and are known to dangle from the facades causing the occasional mayhem. They are allowed to get up to their mischief, however, as due to their sacred status, they are protected. Make sure to hang on tight to any bags or food you carry with you during your visit!
3. Great Banyan Tree, Howrah
Visiting this site, you would be forgiven for believing it is a forest. However, this is a single tree with an amazing 2,800 aerial roots. The tree is more than 250 years old and covers an equally amazing 3.5 acres.
Located in the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Botanical Garden near Kolkata, this is the widest tree in the world. Two cyclones during the 19th century led to a fungal attack. This meant the main 51-foot trunk had to be removed. Luckily, once this was done, the “clonal colony” survived and remains healthy to this day.
The Banyan is a native tree in India, known as Ficus benghalensis. While there are a number of other banyan trees in the country, this remains the largest of its kind. A road has been constructed around the tree so that visitors can see its circumference. However, the tree continues to grow, meaning that road may need to be extended.
Enjoy visiting these and other wonders of India on your next exotic vacation and watch out for details of more fascinating destinations here.
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