Travel can prevent premature aging
Forget about retinol night creams, researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU) believe travel could be the best way to defy premature ageing.
Science Daily has revealed for the first time that “an interdisciplinary study has applied the theory of entropy to tourism, finding that travel could have positive health benefits, including slowing down the signs of aging.”
Why did this take so long to be revealed?
Meanwhile, on the other side, the study shows that negative experiences can contribute to entropy and compromise health.
ECU PhD candidate and study leader Fangli Hu said:
Aging, as a process, is irreversible. While it can’t be stopped, it can be slowed down.
Moreover, Hu noted that positive travel experiences can potentially augment a person’s physical and mental wellness, through exposure to new and exciting environments, engagement in physical activities and social interaction. She added that a bonus is that travel can foster positive emotions.
“Tourism isn’t just about leisure and recreation. It could also contribute to people’s physical and mental health,” Hu added.
Study finds travel is an anti-aging therapy
“As an important aspect of the environment, positive travel experiences may help the body sustain a low-entropy state by modulating its four major systems,” she added.
Traveling exposes people to new and interesting surroundings and can also offer relaxing activities to enjoy. According to Hu, these can stimulate stress responses and elevate metabolic rates, positively influencing metabolic activities. Moreover, they may trigger an adaptive immune system response. With all of these, travel can improve the body’s ability to perceive and defend against external threats.
Meanwhile, it “improves the body’s ability to perceive and defend itself against external threats,” explained Hu adding:
Put simply, the self-defense system becomes more resilient. Hormones conducive to tissue repair and regeneration may be released and promote the self-healing system’s functioning.
What are the healthiest forms of travel?
Hu said that participating in these activities can enhance the body’s immune function and self-defense capabilities.
Physical exercise may also improve blood circulation, expedite nutrient transport, and aid waste elimination to collectively maintain an active self-healing system.
Meanwhile, even moderate exercise is beneficial to the body as well as supporting the body’s anti-wear-and-tear system.
Readers can find out more about the study on Science Daily’s website.