7 Ways to Protect Your Health While Flying

We have all been there.  The long flight where the person in the row next to you is coughing, sneezing and blowing their nose and all you can think of is the fact that you are stuck in this small confined space circulating the same air they have breathed for hours on end.  Here are 7 Ways To Protect Your Health While Flying that are sure to come in handy this year when you begin heading out for fun family vacations or even for work related trips.

STAY HYDRATED:  One of the quickest ways to deteriorate your own health is by not getting enough fluids.  Your body is made up of water and needs that to fight off viruses and stay strong.  For at least 24 hours prior to flying make sure to down extra water and/or orange juice.  On the day of your flight make sure to grab a bottle of water before boarding and continue drinking throughout your flight. 

BOOST YOUR VITAMIN INTAKE:  If you don’t already take a daily dose of Vitamin C make it part of our regimen and include for at least a week prior to travel.  This will boost your immune system and help to ward off illnesses.  Also recommended are probiotics, echinacea and magnesium.

PACK SANITIZING WIPES:  It may seem extreme but there simply isn’t enough time between flights for staff to properly sanitize all seats, railings and tray tables.  Pack a small package of sanitizing wipes in your carry on for ease of cleaning surfaces.  Wipe down the seat, tray table, etc. when you board.

PAY FOR EARLY BOARDING:  With the second suggestion above this is a great way to make sure you are able to properly wipe down your seat.  Depending on the airline and if you have assigned seating, you can easily make sure your area is clean before settling in for the flight.

WEAR A MASK:  Forget about how you will look or the fact that others may think it is weird.  Invest in a simple medical mask at your local drug store and wear it throughout your time in the airport and in flight.

AVOID ALCOHOL BEFORE AND DURING FLIGHT:  While alcohol is common for relaxation during flights it can also cause dehydration which will result in a more compromised immune system.  Choose other means of relaxation like meditation, soothing music, prayer or traveling with a friend to distract you during flight.  

WASH YOUR HANDS OR USE HAND SANITIZER BEFORE EATING:  Those fun little bags of peanuts and cookies get passed around and in a hurry you don’t think about the need to sanitize prior to eating.  Carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer or use one of your sanitizing wipes to clean your hand prior to partaking in snacks or on flight meals.

As with any area of your life where you are wishing to stay healthy using common sense goes the farthest toward protecting you.  These 7 ways to protect your health while flying are great reminders of things you are probably already implementing in your daily life.  Make sure to check with your physician prior to flight if you have any existing medical conditions to ensure the safest possible travels for you and your family this year. 

Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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