National Geographic Kids’ Book “Try This!” Review & Giveaway: Making Science Fun

Once our kids get a tiny bit bigger I think that we all start searching for new ways to engage them in activity, right? Sure you can take them to the playground and schedule play dates but eventually I think most of us moms start to feel like we’re running out of ideas for unique projects to keep our kids entertained and engaged. That is when you start scouring the internet for ideas and looking for a great book that is full of new ideas. Since I’m a National Geographic Kids’ Insider I was lucky enough to receive a copy of National Geographic Kids’ excellent kids’ book, “Try This!” My nephew, 7,  Jayden and I read the book together and were enthralled. In fact Jaden can’t put it down now!

The books tag line is “50 Fun Experiments for the Mad Scientist in you” and that pretty much sums it up perfectly.  Science can feel inaccessible if it’s not presented properly and Try This! does a great job of finding ways to engage young readers so that they are involved and not just reading about creative projects. It’s also filled with weird science facts and some of the basic principles that real scientists adhere to. If you’re not usually a pro with hands-on projects then you’re also in luck because Try This!  features tons of photos so that you can compare what you are doing to the photos that are intended to guide you.

The majority of the projects are very kid friendly and will teach your little ones about electrical charges and food chemistry using items that you already have around the house. I love that with the projects in Try This! we don’t have to run out to the store to buy 4 items just to do one experiment. That means that if your kids are having a boring afternoon you can mix things up without having to plan in advance. You’re pretty much guaranteed to find an experiment that you can pull off at the drop of the hat.

I also love that while having fun and spending quality time together Jayden was also learning things that are inevitably going to be needed once he encounters related concepts at school. Studies have shown that kids are more inclined to retain info if it’s presented in a way that is fun and actively involves them without all of the pressure of a standard school setting. Try This! is cool for all kids because even if they aren’t super interested in science this may be the tool that introduces them to a subject that they could end up loving.

Try This! really is the kind of book that has something for everyone in it and that means that you’re really going to want to grab yourself a copy.  You’re also in luck because we just so happen to be giving a copy of Try This! away to one (1) of our fabulous readers in either the U.S. Or Canada. Follow the Rafflecopter instructions below for your chance to win a copy of Try This!


The contest is open to both residents of the USA and Canada and will run until September 7th, 2014.  Winners will be drawn using Rafflecopter.  I will notify the winner by e-mail and you have 72-hours to respond or I will have to choose another winner.  Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I’m part of the National Geographic Kids Insider program. I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group.  All the opinions on this blog are my own.

Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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