Backpacking Through Europe: Destination Odense, Denmark – Hans Christian Andersen Home Of Fairy Tales!

The next stop on my Backpacking Through Europe adventure was Odense, a city in Denmark known for its connection to Hans Christian Andersen, the beloved fairytale writer who brought The Little Mermaid into the world. I wasn’t in the city for long – just two nights after a brief 1.5-hour train ride from Copenhagen. I stopped by solely to check out the HC Andersen attractions and, while I’m glad I did, I probably won’t make an effort to return anytime in the near future. It’s a lovely city, sure, but there’s not a whole bunch of stuff (aside from the HC Andersen stuff) for the traveler to do here. If you are interested in checking out a couple of museums, doing a bit of walking, and finding a few castles (if you see at least one you’ll have seen one more than I), then I’d suggest making it a day trip and knocking out as much as you can. Then, head back to Copenhagen or your next destination.

Due to the low concentration of hostels in the city, especially when compared to the bustling metro area of Copenhagen, I ended up staying in a tiny hotel located not far from the train station. The Ydes Budget Hotel was really convenient, relatively clean, and a good hub for my two days in the city.

Things to Do

1. Hans Christian Andersen’s Childhood Home – This is located right in the city and, even though it’s considered a museum, it’s more of a “run-through-it-to-say-you’ve-seen-it” spot. It will take you about ten minutes (maybe 15 if you read everything super carefully and sign the guestbook) to visit.

2. Hans Christian Andersen Hus – This is the main museum and a pretty good one. It’s really colorful and, if you have kids, would be a great spot for the entire family to spend an hour or so prior to lunch.

3. Themsens Café & Fristelser – Speaking of food, here’s a cool little café with a nice atmosphere located not too far from the main HC Andersen museum mentioned above. I got there just as breakfast was ending. I managed to get an American style pancake with delicious, homemade cinnamon syrup; a plate of cheese, homemade apple marmalade, salad, the daily bread selection; a soft-boiled egg; and a cup of tea. The cheese and bread plate is a typical Danish breakfast. It’s very light – so don’t think you’re going to get an iHop-sized omelet or a stack of 5 frying pan-sized flapjacks. The café is family owned and everything is made there fresh. One of their specialties is smorrebrod, the traditional Danish “open-faced” sandwich.

4. Fairytale Sculpture Hunt – All throughout the city there are sculptures featuring some of HC Andersen’s most famous characters and stories. I didn’t snap pictures of all of them, but I stumbled into most of them. This can be fun if you’re looking for some exercise – or if it’s a nice day out. The weather was crummy during my time there, so my hardcore TOUR MODE wasn’t operating at full power.

A Big Takeaway

Every city/destination you travel to won’t be your favorite – and you won’t necessarily run home to your friends, colleagues, dogs, children, pet parakeets, etc. telling them that they ABSOLUTELY MUST GET THERE TOMORROW. But every place has a little something special to offer; you just need to know where to look – and be willing to find something new. And, if all else fails, you can just find a local bakery and station yourself there until your time in that place comes to an end. As always, don’t worry about gaining weight while you’re traveling: pounds only accumulate when you’re near your own bed. Same thing goes for aging.

Another thing to takeaway: Please don’t use any of my blog posts as prime examples of good Photoshop editing, as most of it’s done in small cafes, under time restraints, with tired eyes. Dang, just look out how I totally ruined that sky – whatever, it’s rustic, amiright? Vogue Magazine, I am open for business, just feel free to shoot me an email if you’d like some classy help in your photo department. Landscapes are, obviously, my speciality; however, I am not opposed to editing pics of HUMIN BEANS as well.

Make sure to keep a look out for more of my travel diaries, which will feature hot tips, tricks, and things to do in each place I visit! I just landed in Berlin, a city crazy rich with stuff to explore and see, so check back for that in a few days. Also, don’t forget to read about my time in Copenhagen, as well as some of the things I think you should definitely be throwing in your backpack if you’re preparing for an adventure.

As always, feel free to leave any comments or share your own experiences in the notes section below. TMT loves to hear about where our friends have traveled. What are some of the crazy things you’ve witnessed or done while abroad?

Gloooooomy train ride from Copenhagen. The pictures from here forward capture a similar dismal nature. Sorry 🙁
Welcome to Gloomy Town. Weather was pretty much like this for the two days I was there visiting.
Make sure to look out for street art in the cities you visit--especially those in Europe. Adds a lot of color to the scene.
Adorable little library in the park.
A fairy tale sculpture in the park's pond.
It's okay to be weird, folks. Seeing the world's more fun that way.
Flock of swans, inspired by the work of Hans Christian Andersen.
Old prison.
Hans Christian Andersen's childhood home.
I want this in my apartment back home, I think. I'm sure it will fit.
Outside the lovely cafe.
Traditional Danish breakfast mentioned above. That apple marmalade was delicious. I even shipped some home (because I couldn't fit it in my backpack).
OMG. So. Creepy. Help. Me.
Antique press being stored outside in the rain. Sigh.
Footprints through the city lead tourists on an HC Andersen tour.
Hindbaersnitte. Basically, a fancy (homemade) version of an American Pop-Tart.
Some delicious sweet bun situation that I consumed on the train. My only regret was that I got one.
Budapest bathhouse [Image Wikimedia Commons]
Peace out, Denmark. Off to Berlin.
Nick Sanford: Nick Sanford is a blogger and writer who loves traveling around the world exploring unique and quirky destinations. If there's a touch of strangeness to a place, then he can't wait to get lost in its mysteries. He often travels with his sister, also a ginger, who loves taking selfies.
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