Disneyland Expansion Rumors – Star Wars and Marvel Attractions Coming?

Disneyland is getting ready to make a big move and amp up their game. The company has purchased more land and filed for permits, causing Disney fans to go into overdrive with curiosity. The power of deduction and reasoning would point to a Disneyland expansion. A billion dollar expansion.

Over the past few years, Disney has been making changes and big-ticket purchases. The company attempted to nab rights to Harry Potter, but J.K. Rowling wisely gave the project to Universal who has done an outstanding job of creating a Wizarding World true to Rowling’s work. The failure to cash in on Potter led to Disney acquiring rights for Star Wars and Marvel. Disney has also purchased three parcels of land in Anaheim, California. Do the two go to together in park expansion that will encompass some Star Wars world or Marvel superhero area to rival that of Universal’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter?

Suzi Brown, a spokesperson for Disneyland dashed that question with a statement to Yahoo claiming, “With the resort’s continued growth resulting in additional cast members and a record number of guests, this property will help to support additional infrastructure needs, including warehouse and office space and parking.

Don’t give up on a Star Wars area just yet. The new parcels may be used for office space and parking, but that could mean it frees up areas currently being used for the behind-the-magic operation. Moving the office space will also free up useable space within the park…which could be used for anything…like new attractions and rides.

Thanks to the Anaheim City Council, construction of of the inevitable, but not yet officially confirmed, Disneyland expansion must begin not later than 2017. The project must then be finished within 7 years.

What do you think Disneyland fans? What kind of attractions and rides do you hope to see added to Disney parks? Let us know in the comment section below!

Cara Harrington: Cara is the jack of all trades. She started in fashion, but found her true passion in writing. After mixing the two into a fabulous cocktail of freelance writing about all things style, she started a family. Her 3 kids keep her Prada pumps moving as they explore the world one adventure at a time.
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