Image Via White House Photo by David Lienemann
On display in the living room of Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden’s home, you will find images taken by kids in a rotating art display from National Geographic Kids My Shot program. The images, which are selected monthly, showcase settings, moments, and beauty from around the world.
National Geographic Kids and Dr. Jill Biden announced their partnership in July of 2015, in dedication to celebrating the talent, creativity, and education of children. “Joe and I are proud to bring the creativity of so many young photographers from across the country into our home and to see the world through their lens,” Dr. Biden gushed. “I am so impressed by the incredible talent and professionalism of these kid photographers, and I look forward to sharing their work with our family, friends and all those who visit the Vice President’s Residence.”
Dr. Jill Biden was kind enough to talk with Tourist Meets Traveler, and answer questions from the family-friendly community of the National Geographic Kids Insiders group.
Education and Jill’s Life’s Work
Jill seems to be a superhero who is a dedicated mother, educator, and Second Lady of the United States of America. Her passion and drive is undeniable and clear when she speaks about getting kids involved saying, “As a teacher, mom and grand-mom, I share your passion for encouraging our children to learn all about the world. Education has been my life’s work.”
Dr. Biden truly believes that as parents and educators, it’s a responsibility to shape kids for a successful future and inspire them to ask questions. “I think it’s up to the teachers and the parents to create that interest. Jill quickly conjured up several way of sparking a passion, suggesting educators and parents work together and have a dialogue with kids about culture and geography by reading or watching quality programs that explore the world.
When it comes to how education has changed, Jill feels technology has become the biggest factor. She fondly remembers her time in school as a little girl and even regales a tale of her family in school. It’s very clear that Dr. Biden has a balanced respect for the evolvement of education and the tools used to broaden the minds of everyone – no matter their age.
Military Family Awareness
The topic of Jill Biden’s book, ‘Don’t Forget, God Bless Our Troops,’ was also a highlight. The book, created for military families and aiding children cope and relate, was a personal story for Jill. “Our son was in the Army National Guard, and served in Iraq. I saw what my family went through,” Dr. Biden explained. “So, I wanted to create awareness of military families and what happens when a son or daughter, or a mom or dad are deployed.” Her voice is strong, but it’s easy to tell the subject is near to her heart.
To discover more about Dr. Jill Biden, and her work with the National Geographic My Shot, please visit National Geographic’s website.