5 Tips to Guarantee You Enjoy Your Vacation

You save every extra dime, work extra, and use your coveted paid time off after months of planning to take a refreshing vacation or go on adventure to soak up culture. Make sure you savor every moment of your trip and use these 5 tips to guarantee you enjoy your vacation.

Related: Experience Your Vacation Like a Local: 5 Reasons to Go to the Market while Traveling


Aside from using your phone to save yourself time and money to get your boarding pass for flights, unplug. Being connected to social media, having access to the unending phone calls that seem to increase the moment you begin your vacation, and feeling the desire to post every airport egg salad sandwich on Instagram are vacation crushers. Only use your smart phone when you need.

Be Social

Instead of living out your social life on Facebook or Twitter, take advantage of your new surroundings and connect with locals. You might get some incredibly helpful hints on new eateries or tips on what attractions to visit or avoid. Go to restaurants with communal tables or ask friends if they have any contacts or pals in the area you will be visiting. Getting to know the locals will make your trip easier and more enjoyable.


You don’t need to know every historical fact about your destination, but a simple google search will go a long way. Get to know the area around your accommodations, check out restaurant reviews on Yelp, and make sure you take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the traditions and customs of foreign countries.

Keep Solo Status Private

It’s never really wise to tell anyone you are alone and staying at the hotel just down the road. If you are in a foreign area and everyone is suddenly super interested in you once they learn you’re American – make sure you fabricate a story of traveling with a large group. Never tell anyone where you are staying, especially if you are alone.

Related: Travel Tips to Eat Like a Local and Avoid Tourist Trap Restaurants

Eat What Locals Are Eating

Food is an amazing way to submerse yourself in culture. However, eating at Bubba Gump Shrimp is not going to be a cultural experience or a vacation moment you will remember for a lifetime. Avoid the bright lights of tourist trap eateries and find out the locals like to hang. It’s usually some small restaurant miles away from the major tourist-packed areas, but it will be worth the trek.

What are your favorite travel and vacation tips? Let us know your tricks and secrets in the comment section below.

Cara Harrington: Cara is the jack of all trades. She started in fashion, but found her true passion in writing. After mixing the two into a fabulous cocktail of freelance writing about all things style, she started a family. Her 3 kids keep her Prada pumps moving as they explore the world one adventure at a time.
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