Related: How To Travel While Pregnant – Read Our Handy Tips
High Risk History
With any pregnancy, there are possibilities of high risk situations and complications. A previous history of complications or instances of pre-term labor are no-gos when it comes to travel plans. Always speak with your doctor, but be prepared to hear a resounding NO when it comes to traveling if you have had a history of complications or concerns.
Most doctors agree, generally speaking, travel is typically safe during your pregnancy but timing is key. Paige Long Sharps, MD, an ob-gyn at Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City told Parents magazine that the traveling “sweet spot” is between 14 and 28 weeks during your pregnancy. This time frame should be the time you’re past the morning sickness, but not yet hit the backaches and discomfort of a growing baby bump. In most situations, 36 weeks is usually when docs will want you to stay grounded from plane rides.
If you’re pregnant with twins or multiples, most physicians will be more concerned with travel. While it is typically still OK to venture out, the window time frames may be different for your babies.
Airline Policies
Don’t forget that some airlines can be picky! Some carriers may require a doctor’s note stating you have been deemed safe to fly. Each line is different, so make sure you call ahead to find out if they have a specific policy regarding travel during your pregnancy.
Related: Tips for Sleeping on a Airplane
Pregnancy Prep for Flights
Even if it isn’t a long flight, do some pregnancy prep. Nab a seat close to the bathrooms and give yourself some extra legroom if possible. Don’t forget to pack some necessities like Tylenol and doctor-approved meds like Dramamine to prevent motion sickness.
Keep Moving
To keep blood circulating and prevent aches and pains, try pointing and flexing your feet in intervals during long periods of sitting. Three sets of ten flexes for each hour you’re sitting should do the trick. Allow plenty of time for bathroom breaks and rest stops during road trips. Always get out of the car and move around during any stop for gas or a break.
Do you have any tips or advice for traveling while pregnant? Share what you think fellow parents need to know in the comment section below.
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