Related: Cruising With an Infant or Toddler: “Practical and Rewarding”
Ear Pain
Most of the fussy moments tend to happen during takeoff and landing. It’s safe to assume inner ear pain is the culprit behind most babies crying during flights. To combat this discomfort and pain, there are several recommendations…
Encourage your child to sit upright. It’s tempting to hold them and let them lay down, but keeping them upright will help with the pressure issue.
Time your infant’s feeding with takeoff and landing. The sucking action will help relieve ear pain.
For older children who no longer use a bottle, pacifier, or breastfeed, try having them chew gum or another chewy treat.
Seat Selection
If you have the option to pick your seats in advance, make sure you make a choice that is great for your family. There is no special spot that works for every family. Generally, the front of the plane tends to enjoy fewer vibrations and gets to de-plane faster. But, being near a bathroom may be more important for a family going through the potty training process. Maybe the spacey bulkhead row works better for your active toddler? Pick a spot that will cater to your family’s needs.
Lap Versus Own Seat
Many will be tempted to save money and hold your infant in your lap. That may work for some families, but consider the length of the flight and whether or not your child would be just as comfortable in their car/safety seat they ride in while in the car. The extra ticket price may be worth it. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), children are far safer in their car seats. Turbulence can be a safety risk that may send our child from your loving arms.
Related: Traveling With Kids – How Young is Too Young?
Stoller Savior
Most people skip the stroller for fear of paying extra fees. In all my many experiences, I have yet to come across an airline – even the a la carte discount airlines – that charges to check a stroller. Simply use the stroller for your child or extra heavy bags. Get a tag for it when you’re checking in and leave it with the staff waiting at the plane door. They’ll stow it and have it waiting when you get back off the plane after your flight.
Do you have a vital tip for traveling with an infant? Please share your sanity-saving advice in the comment section below.
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