New Jersey State Parks waive entry fees
In a recent statement, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy explained the deal. He spoke of the FY2023 budget, saying the bold steps they have taken toward a more affordable Garden State will ensure access to New Jersey’s state parks for everyone – residents and visitors alike.
While incentivizing tourism and economic activity in our local communities, the fee holiday also promotes access to green, open space; thriving waterways; and the many natural wonders that make us proud to call New Jersey our home.
The website states that with the start of Memorial Day, entry to all of New Jersey’s state parks, forests and recreation areas this summer will be free of charge. In fact, park entrance fees are waived for all visitors, whether arriving on foot, bicycle, motorcycle, or passenger car.
About the New Jersey State Park System
Meanwhile, anyone who has previously purchased a 2022 annual State Park Pass will automatically receive a full refund. That annual pass costs $50 for New Jersey residents and $75 for non-residents.
What do New Jersey State Parks offer?
As noted in a statement, Shawn M. LaTourette, New Jersey’s Commissioner of Environmental Protection explained everything that is on offer:
From High Point State Park in Sussex County to Cape May Point State Park in Cape May County, the state park system provides endless opportunities for recreation – from swimming, hiking, and kayaking, to picnicking, exploring nature and experiencing our rich history.
Whatever your passion or interest, there is a state park in New Jersey for you.
Among the parks on offer, Island Beach State Park is a 10-mile barrier island, renowned for its beaches. However, it is also a great spot for bird watching.
Then there’s the historic Washington Crossing State Park, where on a Christmas night in 1776, George Washington and the Continental Army crossed the Delaware River during the Revolutionary War.
While entry to the state parks is free, other individual park fees do remain. This includes camping permits, interpretative programs, mobile sport fishing permits, entry to historic buildings and guided tours.
Take time out in the New Jersey State Parks this summer, exploring all the beautiful nature and major historic sites. It is probably a good idea to arrive early as others are sure to take the state up on its wonderful summer offer.