Artificial Intelligence Selects The Most Picturesque Towns In Andalucía, Spain

Houses cling to the edge of the gorge in Ronda, Andalucia, Spain [Image by Julian Hacker from Pixabay]
Right now, the Artificial Intelligence debate is heating up, with many quoting the benefits of AI and also drawing attention to the inherent risks. However, a local news outlet, Granada Hoy, decided to ask the AI its opinion on the most picturesque towns in Andalucía, Spain. While its choices are certainly interesting, can we trust AI to give us travel advice? Read on to find out.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) on most picturesque towns in Andalucía

Flamenco dancers in Spain [Image by chantal MURE from Pixabay]
In recent weeks, the headlines have been buzzing about Artificial Intelligence (AI), its benefits and potential risks. Meanwhile, using ChatGPT, anyone can ask an AI its opinion on pretty much every subject. One thing is clear; it isn’t always right and does make mistakes, which will no doubt be rectified along the way.

When it comes to travel and travel writers, the introduction of AI could possibly threaten human jobs. However, when it comes to writing, it will lack the personal touch of a human who has actually visited the destination and knows it well.

That aside, a local news outlet, Granada Hoy (in Spanish), decided to ask AI its opinion on the most picturesque towns in Andalucía. Now, we must decide if we can trust the AI’s opinion, or whether it comes down to personal choice.

Prettiest towns in Andalucía, Spain according to AI

Granada Hoy has released a list of the most picturesque towns in Andalucía but in no particular order. For someone who lives in the area, it did make an excellent choice. Meanwhile, with summer coming, it might be time to visit these destinations to see if you agree with the AI’s choice. What is interesting, is the similarities between the AI’s choice and a recent article about the Pueblos Blancos, or white villages of Andalucía, Spain

Ronda, Malaga Province

Ronda, Spain – Puente Nuevo or New Bridge over the Tajo de Ronda gorge [Image by Makalu from Pixabay]
Located not too far inland from the Costa del Sol, Ronda spreads over a mountaintop, offering wonderful, panoramic views over its surroundings.

The town was originally founded by the Celts in the 6th century, followed by the Romans and the Moors who both left their mark. The town is split in two by the deep gorge known as the Tajo de Ronda which is spanned by the Puente Nuevo (New Bridge), an amazing architectural feat.

Meanwhile, visitors can explore the cobbled streets of the town, lined with white houses and visit fascinating museums. Moreover, dining out is a treat in the town, with its many traditional Spanish and international restaurants.

Mijas Pueblo, Malaga Province

A typical street in Mijas Pueblo [Image by Remon Samuel from Pixabay]
Located inland on the Costa del Sol, Mijas Pueblo is a historic and beautiful town with cobbled streets lined with white-washed houses. Known as one of the famous Pueblos Blancos (White Villages) of Andalucía, the town is indeed picturesque. Meanwhile, from various viewpoints in the town, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the coastline and the Mediterranean Sea.

The town’s streets and squares are lined with excellent restaurants and Mijas also features interesting museums. While bullfighting is a controversial subject these days, the town’s historic bullring (Plaza de Toros) and its museum are worth a visit. Meanwhile, heading to the coast reveals the lovely seaside village of La Cala de Mijas, but that is another story.

Úbeda, Jaén Province, Andalucía

Sacra Capilla del Salvador, Úbeda, Jaén Province [Image by Manuel Blasco Martinez from Pixabay]

The beautiful city of Úbeda in Jaén Province was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003 for good reason. Here, visitors can travel back in time, while gazing at the well-preserved Renaissance buildings, including beautiful churches.

The town nestles on the southern ridge of the Loma de Úbeda, a rock table sandwiched in between the Guadalquivir and the Guadalimar river beds making for beautiful scenery.

Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz Province

Vejer de la Frontera [Image Wikimedia Commons]
Located in Cádiz Province, Vejer de la Frontera boasts incredible views of the Straits of Gibraltar. This typical Pueblo Blanco nestles on the right bank of the Barbate River. Meanwhile, the charming town is wonderful to explore with its narrow streets, lined with white-washed homes. Moreover, this White Village is surrounded by fruit orchards and orange groves.

Setenil de las Bodegas, Cádiz Province

Unique Setenil de las Bodegas, Cadiz Province [Image by David López García from Pixabay]
This unique town is famed for its white-washed homes, carved into the surrounding cliffs and sheltered under a huge rocky outcropping. The town has a castle, that once was an Arab fortress. Meanwhile, visitors can get amazing views of the town and its surroundings from the Torreón del Homenaje.

Moreover, the ancient Ruins of Acinipo, with a Roman amphitheater to explore. For those who love history, the town’s Centro de Interpretación Medioambiental del Olivar exhibits information about the town’s cultural past. It seems that objects found in the town’s caves show that people lived there around 5,000 years ago.

Explore these wonderful towns in Andalucia, Spain this year and find out if the Artificial Intelligence was right.

Anne Sewell: Anne is a freelance writer and travel writer who has spent much of her life in southern Africa (Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa, and is now living on the Costa del Sol in southern Spain.
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