US State Department Warning To Spring Break Travelers Visiting Mexico

Playa del Carmen, popular spring break destination in Mexico [Image Shutterstock]
An alert message was sent out by the US Embassy and Consulates in Mexico warning US citizens heading to Mexico for spring break. The US State Department shared the urgent message, encouraging American springbreakers to exercise “increased caution” when visiting Mexico.

US State Department warning to spring break travelers heading to Mexico

Obviously, this isn’t the first time that travelers have been warned to exercise caution when visiting Mexico. However, this doesn’t mean we should ignore the warnings. The US Embassy in Mexico posted a message this week, warning as follows:

Crime, including violent crime, can occur anywhere in Mexico, including in popular tourist destinations.

US citizens should exercise increased caution in the downtown areas of popular spring break locations including Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, and Tulum, especially after dark.

Moreover, the Embassy encouraged US travelers to always remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings. In its message is stated that they should, “maintain a high level of situational awareness, avoid areas where illicit activities occur, and promptly depart from potentially dangerous situations.”

Meanwhile, the message also recommended that prospective spring breakers review the State Department’s Mexico Travel Advisory for more state-specific information. However, it also noted that travelers should remember that each year, thousands of US citizens head to Mexico for spring break, adding that “the vast majority travel safely.”

The most common concerns about Mexico travel

Lifeguards in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico [Image by Chris Vogt from Pixabay]
Moreover, the Embassy spoke of the most common tourist-related concerns about visiting Mexico. The message addressed the potential for violent crime and sexual assault. It also noted the dangers of consuming drugs, counterfeit medications, or unregulated alcohol.

Meanwhile, the Embassy brought up the risks of drowning and medical emergencies while on vacation in Mexico. It also mentioned the dangers of guns and ammunition, getting arrested in the country, or ignoring immigration laws.

The Embassy’s message also gave tips and strategies for travelers to stay safe while traveling to Mexico, including the popular resort areas. Travelers were urged to always watch their drinks and to stay with a group of friends when visiting clubs and bars. Moreover, spring breakers should avoid swimming in strong currents or after consuming alcohol. Travelers are also urged to use taxis and rideshares from trustworthy sources.

Moreover, spring breakers are urged to enroll in the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program to keep up to date with the latest safety conditions and to enable the Embassy to contact them in the case of an emergency.

Level 2: Exercise Caution When Traveling to Mexico

Beach in Cancun, Mexico [Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay]
The US State Department maintains a Level 2 status for 29 of Mexico’s 31 states, including popular spring break locations like Los Cabos, Cancun and Puerto Vallarta. However, a well-known travel journalist Peter Greenberg told Fox 11 News that these are the same levels of caution recommended last year for spring breakers.

While it may seem to be a repeat warning, Greenberg urged travelers to take the warnings seriously.  Moreover, he said to pay attention to the details of the advisories and locations they apply to, saying:

The states that they’re saying do not travel to are states that are like Ciudad Juarez and Nuevo Laredo. Americans don’t vacation there unless they happen to be drug dealers.

You have to understand that the State Department… out of an abundance of caution, seems to be painting with a rather broad brush. All the things they’re telling you to be worried about about Mexico are the same things you should be worried about if you’re going to Cleveland.

Moreover, Greenberg did note that most Americans on spring break never leave the resort areas anyway. Due to this, springbreakers need to put this in the proper context before making a decision.

Listen to the full interview with Peter Greenberg in the video included here:



Anne Sewell: Anne is a freelance writer and travel writer who has spent much of her life in southern Africa (Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa, and is now living on the Costa del Sol in southern Spain.
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