Best Healthy Travel-Friendly Snacks

My stomach loves those kiosks at airports. Upon sight of one, my hunger begins jumping up and down, begging for a chocolate bar. Despite the fact I’m not really hungry and repeating my mantra of “You don’t need junk food to survive a flight!” I end up shelling out money on the typically overpriced and unhealthy treat. During my formative weight loss years, traveling and snacking were a huge vice for me. However, I learned to fill up on figure-friendly food and came up with this list of best healthy travel-friendly snacks…

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Go Nuts

Most nuts are full of protein and can be beneficial on multiple levels. They are packed with fiber, protein, and heart-healthy fats. Stay away from salted or sugar-coated nuts posing as healthy treats. Find dry roasted, unsalted options for an equally tasty snack that doesn’t pack on the pounds.


It doesn’t seem like it would be a travel-friendly food, but I have found that freezing yogurt works wonders. Freeze your favorite protein-packed yogurt, and it will make a great sweet treat that will be refreshing after you’ve been on the road for a few hours. Greek yogurt is a healthier option thanks to its protein content. Just make sure you aren’t grabbing a yogurt with too much sugar or artificial flavors.

Protein Bars

The market is now saturated with protein bars and energy bars, so make sure you find a bar that is under 200 calories and offers at least 5 grams of protein. Also make sure you check the sugar on these quick snacks. The Luna Bar is just one option that fits the bill and tastes like a candy bar.

Related: Cruise Travel: Helpful Tips To Help You Watch Your Weight and Enjoy The Great Food

Dry-Roasted Edamame

If you find you are craving chips or a crunchy snack, grab some dry-roasted edamame. It’s insanely tasty and satisfies that desire for a bag of greasy starch.

As with any food, always check the labels. Look for natural ingredients and natural sugars in the ingredients list like honey instead of aspartame. Take a peek at sugar content and sodium, too. Higher numbers mean that snack is not as healthy as it seems! Also, note serving sizes. A trick I love to use is buying a bulk bag of my treats and measuring out servings into sandwich baggies. It ensures I’m getting the right portion and it’s cheaper than buy pre-packaged snacks.

Cara Harrington: Cara is the jack of all trades. She started in fashion, but found her true passion in writing. After mixing the two into a fabulous cocktail of freelance writing about all things style, she started a family. Her 3 kids keep her Prada pumps moving as they explore the world one adventure at a time.
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