National Geographic Kids Celebrates Shark Week With Pottery Barn Kids GIVEAWAY #Sharkfest

It’s Shark Week! In honor of Shark Week 2015 our friends at National Geographic Kids are teaming up with Pottery Barn Kids for an awesome giveaway that we just HAD to share with you. As you all know, my family adores Nation Geographic Kids, it’s not easy finding education books that are packed full of so much knowledge and still a blast for kids to enjoy. But, our family gobbles up everything from National Geographic Kids, and I like to think that we are raising baby geniuses thanks to their products. And, Pottery Barn Kids is an equally awesome brand, so it seems logical that they are joining forces for #SharkFest.

Head over to Pottery Barn Kids’ Fin-Tastic giveaway, and vote for your favorite sharks! Every person who participates in the voting is entered in to the contest to win an awesome giveaway. The contest is being sponsored by Brightly, an awesome non-profit organization that helps mothers and fathers raise life-long readers. The prize package include some super adorable shark-themed accessories, toys, and educational books about sharks! Of course one of the books included in the #Sharkfest giveaways from Pottery Barn is National Geographic Kids First Big Book Of The Ocean.

We actually already have National Geographic Kids First Big Book of the Ocean in our collection, and that alone should be incentive enough to enter in to the Pottery Barn Kids giveaway. First Big Book of the Ocean is geared towards kids ages 4-8, but any one who is a fan of sea creatures will be absolutely enthralled by the breathtaking photos, regardless of how old you are. It contains over 100 real-life photographs of ocean life, including: sharks (of course), dolphins, whales, penguins, and so much more!

National Geographic Kids books are great for you to sit down and read with your kids and spend some quality time, but they also are so colorful and vibrant you will catch your kids spending hours gobbling up the pictures all on their own. Since I read this the First Big Book of the Ocean with my nephew he has been obsessed with sea otters and he knows everything there is to know about the adorable creatures now – where they live, what they eat, and even how many inches long they are! Also, National Geographic Kids products are so well-made and durable, they truly withstand the test of time and can be passed down through generations like ours have been!

If you want a chance to win a free copy of National Geographic Kids First Big Book of the Ocean and other shark-themed prize packs, head over to Pottery Barn Kids’ Fin-Tastic giveaway and vote now!

Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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