Will Canada Ease Travel Restrictions For Vaccinated US Travelers?

US travelers have had a rough time of it over the last more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with the arrival of coronavirus vaccination programs all over the world, travel is gradually starting to reopen. Many countries, including European nations, are opening up to fully vaccinated American travelers. Now, Canada may be joining the list of countries, easing travel restrictions at its borders for US visitors.

Canada set to ease travel restrictions for American travelers

Currently, US visitors go through mandatory 14-day quarantine in order to visit Canada. However, as reported by Reuters on Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is currently getting ready to ease border restrictions for fully vaccinated American travelers.
In fact, health officials within the Canadian government are currently considering easing travel restrictions for those US travelers who have received both COVID-19 vaccine doses.
When could this happen?

The newly updated COVID-19 travel restrictions are expected to be announced this week.

However, it could involve travelers entering Canada still being required to test negative for the virus prior to arrival and to also, possibly, quarantine for a shorter period of time.

According to a report by Politico on Monday, Canada’s government is apparently considering June 22 as the date to start easing restrictions at the US/Canada border. However, this depends on the country’s vaccination campaign staying on its current trajectory.

Jim Diodati, the major of Niagara Falls, Ontario, told Politico that the message had been delivered by Public Safety Minister Bill Blair during a recent virtual meeting of border mayors from that province. Diodati said the reopening date wasn’t set in stone, but Blair suggested that June 22 is that date they are looking at.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau being cautious

Canada’s Prime Minister still aims to be cautious before starting to welcome international travelers. However, he did say on Monday that Canada is looking into welcoming visitors again as the country’s COVID-19 situation continues to improve.

Trudeau said the government is tasked with keeping Canadians safe during the pandemic. However, as with many countries in the world, Canada’s GDP is getting badly hit by the lack of tourism and travelers. The Prime Minister said it is also important to help the nation’s battered travel and tourism industry.

In his statement on Monday, Trudeau said, “We’re not going to get ahead of ourselves.” He said, “We are looking at how we’re going to start welcoming up tourists in a phased way as the numbers come down in Canada, as the numbers start to come down in the United States and elsewhere around the world.”

Should the Canadian government take this vital step of easing travel restrictions for fully vaccinated American visitors, this will be excellent news indeed. The move would definitely be a cause for celebration for those who enjoy exploring the country’s vast and splendid natural wonders. It is also good news for travelers who love exploring Canada’s exciting and modern cities and strikingly beautiful coastlines.

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Photo credit: Deposit photos

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Annemarie LeBlanc: The proudest job of my life is being a Mom to Robyn and Grandchildren to Ava, Rose & Ella. I’m was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and I am a proud Caper. I currently reside in Montreal, Canada. I’m a former Professeur at both the Universtiy and Collegial level. In 2010, when I stopped teaching I decided to explore the world of blogging.
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