Visiting Spain In Spring? Here’s What You Need To Know

The New Bridge, Ronda, Spain [Image by garnoteldelphine on Pixabay]
Spring is one of the best times to visit Spain as the warm sunshine returns but before the blazing heat of summer. However, it is important to note that while other EU countries have eased their regulations, Spain still has entry rules in place. Read on to find out what you need to know for a spring visit to Spain.

Spain still has entry rules in place

A number of European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) countries have recently eased their regulations for travelers. However, Spain still has all its entry rules in place. Basically, while the country requires visitors to present proof of vaccination on entry, the same rules don’t apply to everyone.

According to Spain’s Ministry of Health, travelers are split into two main categories – those traveling from an EU/EEA country, and those from a non-EU country. Basically, Spain applies varying rules depending on the travelers’ country of origin.

Travelers from EU/EEA nations

EU Parliament [Image by Udo Pohlmann on Pixabay]
At the present time, all EU/EEA countries are on Spain’s COVID-19 risk list. However, despite this, authorities say travelers are permitted entry for travel purposes.

Basically, travelers from one of the EU/EEA countries are exempt from additional entry rules, as long as they present a certificate that forms part of the EU Digital COVID Pass. In other words, a valid vaccination certificate, proof of recovery from the virus, or a negative test result is acceptable.

“If you come from a country at risk in relation to COVID-19, you must present a certificate or document proving vaccination, diagnostic test for active infection or recovery from COVID-19,” Spain’s Ministry of Health states.

This means vaccinated EU travelers are able to enter the country restriction-free provided they hold a valid vaccination certificate. To be valid, the traveler must have been vaccinated within the last nine months.

COVID-19 vaccination [Image by Tumiso on Pixabay]
In the case of a recovery certificate, this must show that the holder has recovered from the virus within the last six months. As to the negative test results, Spain accepts either PCR or rapid antigen tests. To be valid, PCR tests must be taken within 72 hours of arrival. Meanwhile, rapid antigen tests need to be taken within 24 hours of arrival in Spain.

Besides the above, all travelers, including those who are vaccinated, must complete the Health Control Form.

Travelers from Non-EU countries on Spain’s safe list

Currently, Spain’s safe third country list includes China, Hong Kong, Macau, Colombia, Indonesia, Kuwait, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Taiwan. Visitors from these areas can enter Spain by presenting a valid vaccination or recovery certificate and completing the Health Control Form.

Visiting from other Non-EU countries

Basically, all third countries that are not on the safe list are considered to be on the country’s risk list.

According to Spanish authorities, only third-country travelers with a valid vaccination or recovery certificate can enter, along with the Health Control Form. In order words, Spain will not accept a negative COVID-19 test result instead of vaccination of recovery certification.

Local COVID-19 restrictions in Spain

Shopping mall [Image by Peter H on Pixabay]
Currently, masks must be worn in shops, pharmacies, supermarkets, cinemas, theaters, museums, etc. However, they are not required in outdoor spaces unless it is not possible to socially distance. However, masks are mandatory on all public transport in Spain.

Other rules vary from region to region. Some regions may require a valid EU Digital COVID Pass or similar documentation to enter restaurants, hotels, bars, etc. Before traveling, it is always best to check the latest rules and regulations on the Ministry of Health’s website.

Anne Sewell: Anne is a freelance writer and travel writer who has spent much of her life in southern Africa (Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa, and is now living on the Costa del Sol in southern Spain.
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