Speedy Travel: High-Speed Train Network Breaks Records In Spain

Spain sees surge in passengers on its high-speed train network [Image @renfe/Instagram]
Many countries are pushing rail transport as a carbon-friendly alternative for flying. In the case of Spain, it is not only breaking records with its incredibly efficient high-speed train network but attracting millions of passengers in just one quarter.

High-speed train network in Spain breaking records

Spain has been working hard, developing its impressive high-speed train network while adding more exciting routes to choose from. The country has several rail operators offering high-speed travel, including Renfe, Avlo, Ouigo and Iryo. Meanwhile, these operators are joining forces to offer passengers high-speed travel, top-notch services and even competitive pricing as the icing on the cake.

Renfe Avant on the high-speed train network in Spain [Image by VivirElTren.es/Flickr]
As high-speed rail services surge in popularity, records are quickly being broken. In the second quarter of 2023, the service saw an amazing surge, with around 8.32 million passengers jumping on board and speeding away on lightning-fast trains. In fact, this is reportedly a 33 percent increase in the rail service and a great move for the future of transportation in Spain.

Renfe’s Avant service leads the way

Renfe Avant [Image by Tim Adams/Flickr]
Leading the way with its high-speed train network is Renfe’s Avant service (high-speed, mid-distance), which offers passengers an exclusive experience. Along the way, it has attracted an additional 3.3 million 3.3 million passengers which is a spectacular 57 percent surge. The following routes have been speeding up the charts with high-speed travel.


This route between two historic and fascinating cities has welcomed more than 1 million passengers. This marks a 30.3 percent increase to prove that speed and convenience are the way to travel between Madrid and Seville.


Travel between these three major cities is also gaining in popularity with around 1 million passengers enjoying the route. This works out as a 25.8 percent year-on-year increase due to the popularity of the high-speed train network.

High-speed train [Image @Renfe/Instagram]


The route between Madrid and Alicante has welcomed 750,000 passengers on board, which is a 32.1 percent increase. This goes to prove the attraction of Alicante is not only for its beaches but for the speedy way travelers can get there.


Meanwhile, travel between Madrid and Valencia has zoomed as 1.3 million passengers enjoyed the high-speed service while marking an 86 percent growth spurt.

Madrid Atocha Train Station [Image by Hugh Llewelyn on Wikimedia Commons]


However, it is the swift travel between Madrid and its less-stuffy sister, Barcelona, which leads the way. In fact, the Madrid and Barcelona route attracted a mindboggling 3.6 million passengers. This is a 36 percent increase from the same quarter in 2022.

Sustainable travel on the high-speed train network

Meanwhile, the surge in popularity of high-speed rail travel isn’t only about breaking passenger records. It is most importantly about changing to more sustainable and cost-effective transportation, transporting passengers at speed while lessening their carbon footprint.

Moreover, train travel isn’t just about speed these days. In recent months, sleeper trains have dominated travel headlines all over Europe. While they don’t travel as fast as the high-speed train network, they are a vacation in themselves. In fact, they offer the chance to relax in comfort, while watching the beautiful scenery go by – a much preferred alternative to flying.

Thanks to high-speed rail services, traveling across Spain has never looked better. In fact, for international travelers, it is the best way to see the sights of the major cities in comfort and speedy style. Read more about train travel in general here.



Anne Sewell: Anne is a freelance writer and travel writer who has spent much of her life in southern Africa (Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa, and is now living on the Costa del Sol in southern Spain.
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