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Visit Albufeira in Portugal For Its Fun & Spooky Halloween Celebration

Albufeira on Halloween
Halloween [Image Câmara Municipal de Albufeira on Facebook]
If you love to be scared on Halloween, one highly recommended destination to visit is Albufeira on the Algarve in Portugal. While other places in Europe celebrate the event, Albufeira takes things much further to enjoy their annual event. We’re talking street entertainment, music and dancing and face painting to make a cast of ghostly characters, parading in the streets.

Albufeira in Portugal hosts Halloween Haunted Night in 2024

The Halloween program in Albufeira kicks off at 8 pm on October 31, which will see lively street entertainment and parades. Moreover, locals and visitors have their faces painted to look like ghosts, vampires, witches, werewolves or the walking dead.

Admittedly, Halloween isn’t a big thing in most of Portugal, but the people of Albufeira love to scare each other on that one day of the year.

Get ready for Haunted Night

Albufeira in Portugal on Halloween
[Image Câmara Municipal de Albufeira on Facebook]
The municipality of Albufeira temporarily transforms into the Witches Council and has made a Facebook post about the event. The post noted how successful the event has been in the past and told the locals to get ready for a horrifying scenario in the heart of town. As noted in the Facebook post above, the dress code is “bloody red and spooky black.”

Most of the excitement will be centered around Largo Eng.º Duarte Pacheco and Rua 5 de Outubro. However, scarily clad people can also enjoy the Spooky Run – or walk for those not as fit. The race has two routes, one of which is 4 km (2.5 mi), and the other 7 km (4.35 mi). Meanwhile, entry fees paid to enter the event go to benefit charity.

Albufeira cares for its people and visitors as they confirm there will be a “Horror Hospital” to handle any injuries caused in all the excitement. Moreover, visitors and locals are told they must “dress to depress.”

What’s on the Halloween program in Albufeira?

Kids in town trick-or-treating
Kids in town trick-or-treating [Image Câmara Municipal de Albufeira on Facebook]
According to The Portugal News, the horrifying program kicks off at 8 pm with street entertainment, music and dancing for the ghostly characters attending the event. The local dance group Associação Soul will entertain everyone, who previously danced to Michael Jackson’s Thriller. This year, they have planned a new and exciting dance routine to entertain locals and tourists alike.

Meanwhile, local DJ Sunlize will lay on dark, ghoulish entertainment with a full selection of electronic sounds. Besides the entertainment, plenty of delicious street food and drinks will be on offer.

Attracting travelers to Albufeira

Algarve beach
Beach in Albufeira [Image by Dragan Gazdik from Pixabay]
It is hoped that the Halloween event will attract large numbers of visitors as it has in the past from surrounding towns and other locations in Portugal. Any international visitors can enjoy the event, which will go to benefit the Algarve town.

José Carlos Rolo of the local council noted that “although it is not a Portuguese tradition, Halloween in Albufeira is already considered a landmark event and an added value for the local economy during the low tourist season.”

Make a plan to be scared this Halloween in Albufeira in Portugal’s Algarve. Read more about the event on the local council’s website here.