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World Lion Day: High-Five, Give $5, and Save Big Cats #5forBigCats

World Lion Day: High-Five, Give $5, and Save Big Cats #5forBigCats

What kid doesn’t love lions? Really, what adult doesn’t love lions? When we go to the zoo – the amazing cats are always the first stop we make, and by far my family’s favorite stop. Sadly, the lions are well on their way to becoming an endangered species, and when I heard about the Big Cat Initiative to help save the lions, I couldn’t wait to do my part and help spread the news about this amazing organization and all of the good that they are doing for my kids’ favorite creatures.

Join us and National Geographic on August 10 as we celebrated World Lion Day! Lions truly are majestic beasts, and one of my kids’ all time favorite animals, and sadly their population is dwindling away at an increasingly scary rate. After the heartbreaking death of Cecil The Lion – it is now more important than ever to raise awareness for the world’s lions, and help spread the word about the danger their race is truly in. Believe it or not, even you can make a difference just by helping create a buzz on social media about the Big Cat Initiative.

In honor of World Lion Day, our friends at National Geographic’s Big Cat Initiative are starting a high five chain on social media to raise awareness about the struggles that lions living in the wild are facing right now – and to inform the world on how they can help our favorite big cats, and make a difference.


If you want to participate in the high five chains, visit National Geographic’s Big Cat Initiative Page, and share one of the photographs that they have available on Facebook or Twitter. Tag a few of your friends to help spread the word on World Lion Day, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #5ForBigCats. Even Leonardo DiCaprio and Arnold Schwarzenegger are getting in on the fun and helping spread high-fives for big cats on World Lion Day!

In addition to helping our favorite big cats by raising awareness on World Lion Day and sharing #5ForBigCats, you can also make a small donation of $5 or more to National Geographic’s Big Cat Initiative. Every donation helps, no matter how big or small it is, and the proceeds will go towards preserving the lions and their natural habitats!

This way, our kids’ kids will be able to enjoy the natural beauty of the majestic lions in their lifetimes as well. When you are done Tweeting and posting on Facebook and helping us get the #5ForBigCats to go viral on World Lion Day to raise money for the lions, I highly recommend going over to National Geographic Kids Page to check out some of their videos on Mission: Animal Rescue. The videos offer some simple and easy tasks that you and your family can do at home to help save the lions!

Don’t forget! You can Be a part of the campaign to promote lion conservation with these easy options:

  • Spread awareness of “High Five. Give $5. Save Big Cats” by tagging your friends and giving a worldwide virtual high five for lions using hashtag: ​#5forBigCats via Facebook and Twitter! Try the message – I’m giving 5 to save big cats in the wild. Now it’s your turn! Tag your photos with #5forBigCats @NatHeo http://bit.ly/1SnmMua
  • Share your own high-five photo or video supporting National Georgraphic’s Big Cats Initiative. Feel free to use MyShot and don’t forget the #5forBigCats hashtag and then visit CauseAnUproar.org/5forBigCats to see your work in the gallery.
  • Donate at donate.ngs.org/5forbigcats or text FIVE to 50555 to give $5 to National Geographic’s Big Cat Initiative.
  • Learn how you can help lions, and other animals, with National Geographic Mission: Animal Rescue videos found here…

Don’t wait! World Lion Day is today, and every donation, tweet, and Facebook message will help spread awareness and save these majestic and worthy animals.

Disclosure: I am part of the National Geographic Kids Insider program. I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.