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10 Toy Ideas For The Airplane To Keep Your Little One Happy

10 Toy Ideas For The Airplane To Keep Your Little One Happy

Are you planning on flying with your kids? If so, you are likely trying to find a few ways to keep them entertained while thousands of miles above the earth. The good news is, there are more than a few flight-friendly toys that you and your kids will love. Not to mention, your flight-mates will thank you for keeping them entertained and happy.

Here, you can learn about 10 toys that are great for flying with kids.

  1. Window Letters

These are the gel, squishy letters sold on sheets on virtually any dollar aisle. The only catch is that they are typically only good for a single use, since crumbs, hair, and dirt will stick to them.

  1. Glow Sticks

These are great if you are planning a late afternoon or evening flight. Also, they are easy to stow in your carry-on bag.

  1. Dry Erase Books

This is always a great idea and a fun option for kids of all ages. You can let your little one draw pictures, practice writing their name or anything else. Make sure to bring along a few different colored markers.

  1. Slinky

While this may seem a bit basic, it is good for about an hour of entertainment. Make sure you have a few in case they become tangled.

  1. Play-Doh

This may be a little messy, but it is still a lot of fun. Just make sure your kids do it over the paper so it doesn’t get everywhere. An option that is just as fun but cleaner is modeling clay.

  1. Yarn and Cheerios

Any snacks that can also be an activity are a great option. You can bring along some yarn and let your kids make necklaces. You can do this with any snack food. Once they are done, they can eat their creation.

  1. Finger Puppets

If you have younger kids that are going to be on the flight, then finger puppets are a great way to keep them happy and entertained. You can make up stories and let your kids do the same.

  1. Tablet or other Electronic

Believe it or not, this is a great way to keep your kids entertained while flying. There are tons of games for kids of all ages.

  1. Origami Animals

The art of folding paper can keep your kids entertained for a while. This option is usually best for kids that are a little bit older.

  1. Bubble Gum

Okay, while this may not exactly be a toy per-say, it is still a great way to keep kids entertained. They will love trying to learn how to blow a bubble.

Do you have any games that you take on the plane to occupy your children?  Share them with us in the comments, please!

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