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5 Best Places In The US To View The Glass Art Of Dale Chihuly

Glass art of Dale Chihuli
Glass art of Dale Chihuli [Image @chihulystudio/Instagram]
Dale Chihuly’s glass art is not only seen in museums and art galleries. In fact, his whimsical works can be seen in a variety of places, including botanical gardens, a Las Vegas casino, a cancer center and other places across the USA. Here are five of the best locations to view the beautiful glass art of Dale Chihuly.

1. Chihuly Garden and Glass, Seattle, WA

Washington is Chihuly’s home state so where else better to see much of his iconic and beautiful work? Meanwhile, the glass artist was born in Tacoma in 1941 and grew up to become a glassblowing expert.

One of the best places to view his incredible art is at Chihuly Garden and Glass in Seattle, which opened at Seattle Center in 2012. In fact, the garden hosts some of his most significant works and everything in the museum is made from glass. Visitors can also enjoy a live demonstration, showing how some of the art was made.

Dale Chihuly glass art in Seattle, WA
Chihuly Garden and Glass, Seattle [Image @travel_lenscapes/Instagram]

2. Work of Dale Chihuly at Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, WA

Let’s stay in Washington and head to Chihuly’s hometown of Tacoma, The Tacoma Art Museum features an extensive collection of his smaller works, including some more personal items. However, one of the highlights of the museum is “Ma Chihuly’s Floats.” This fascinating creation was originally created as a temporary installation. However, it was later donated to the museum to honor the artist’s mother, Viola. The artwork is displayed outdoors during the summer months but brought indoors once the cooler weather arrives.

Ma Chihuly’s Floats
Ma Chihuly’s Floats [Image by Jim Culp/Flickr]

3. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VI

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts hosts a fascinating piece of Chihuly’s art that was blown by his team at the Nuutäjarvi Glass Factory in Nuutäjarvi, Finland. Titled “Red Reeds,” the work features superior clarity, with a ruby red pigment added to the glass. Within the piece, live water lilies, grasses and lotus plants were carefully placed for natural inspiration.

Red Reeds at VMFA Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Red Reeds [Image @vmfamuseum/Instagram]

4. Bellagio, Las Vegas, Nevada, NV

One of the most significant pieces of Chihuly’s work is a 2,100 sq ft masterpiece, hanging from the ceiling of the Bellagio. The piece has more than 2,000 hand-blown blossoms, spread across a 10,000 lb steel armature. A team of eight to 10 engineers is tasked with cleaning and inspecting the artwork each morning. Meanwhile, the Bellagio has the only Dale Chihuly gift shop in Vegas and is one of only a few places his work can be seen 24/7, all year round for free.

Glass work of Dale Chihuly at the Bellagio
Bellagio, Las Vegas [Image @bellagio/Instagram

5. Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, Omaha, NE

One of Chihuly’s most interesting collections was inspired by the need for a space where “people can meditate and find a moment of peace.” Daly Chihuli’s work is described as a place where “art and healing come together.” In fact, the warm colors of the glassworks are aimed at providing tranquility and serenity – an ideal experience for those suffering from cancer.

Chihuli Sanctuary
Chiuli Santuary [Image @racquel_keoniz/Instagram]
Make a point of visiting some of Chihuly’s glass art installations across the USA. In the meantime, explore more his work through the Dale Chihuly official website.