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New Yorkers Can Get Vaccinated At The American Museum Of Natural History

New Yorkers Can Get Vaccinated At The American Museum Of Natural HistoryThe American Museum of Natural History in New York City is a fascinating visit at any time. However, right now, the museum has become a COVID-19 vaccination site. Visitors can have their vaccinations done in the presence of the museum’s famous blue whale sculpture. Every resident who has their vaccination done at the museum also gets a voucher for a complimentary general admission for up to four persons, redeemable online for a future visit.

Get vaccinated at the American Museum of Natural History

People will gather on the ground floor of the American Museum of Natural History, starting on April 23, on Tuesday and Friday of each week. The vaccinations will be administered in the presence of the museum’s famous blue whale sculpture. Even better, the whale sports her own bandage to signify she has received her vaccination.

The realistic sculpture of the female blue whale hangs suspended from the museum’s ceiling since the 1960s. Her form was based on photos of a blue whale found dead in 1925 off the southern tip of South America. However, the whale went under renovation in 2001.

New Yorkers Can Get Vaccinated At The American Museum Of Natural History

At that stage, the artists had more images and live footage of blue whales to use as a reference. The artists flattened the original model’s overly-bulging eyes, tapered the tail and corrected the animal’s blowholes. The 94-foot-long model comprises some 21,000 lbs of foam and fiberglass. Artists also added a belly button to the whale, as a reminder of one of the traits we humans share with the mammal.

Other highlights at the museum

Depending on how much time visitors have, there are many spectacular exhibits to explore. Among the top exhibits are the Dinosaur Halls on the fourth floor, with their towering residents. Those interested in African wildlife species will appreciate the Akeley Hall of African Mammals, while visitors interested in marine life will enjoy the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life.

Those interested in space should take in the Dark Universe Space Show in the Rose Center for Earth and Space. One beautiful place to linger is the Hall of Gems and Minerals, or visitors can take in a 3D IMAX show in the LeFrak Theater. To keep things local, head to the Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals or enjoy any of the regular exhibitions held at the museum.

AMNH an appropriate vaccination venue

The American Museum of Natural History is an appropriate venue for administering vaccinations as the museum is dedicated to fostering scientific knowledge, as well as understanding and providing access to that knowledge to the public.

All eligible New York City residents will be served at the vaccination center and visitors can register on the NYC COVID-19 Vaccine Finder’s website. Every visitor who receives their vaccinations at the museum will be given a voucher for a complimentary general admission for up to four people, which they can then redeem online for a future visit.

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Photos credit: Deposit Photos


New Yorkers Can Get Vaccinated At The American Museum Of Natural History

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