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Space Congress In Marbella, Spain On Travel To Moon, Mars & Venus

Earth from the ISS - Sutus 2023 space congress - space travel
Sutus 2023 Space Congress on space travel to be held in Spain [Image NASA]
There has been much talk in recent years about space tourism. In fact, a number of people have traveled to the edge of Earth’s atmosphere with Jeff Bezos’ Blue Horizon, including Star Trek’s William Shatner. However, it seems talk of travel to the Moon, Mars and Venus is coming to the city of Marbella on the Costa del Sol in Spain. One of the new projects to be announced at the event is dubbed Above Space, which aims to build the first hotel for tourists in space.

Tourism Beyond Natural Borders in Marbella, Spain

Marbella will host a highly-anticipated congress about outer space this month, where projects to take tourists to the Moon, Mars and Venus will be discussed. To be held at Les Roches, the new edition of what is called Sutus 2023 will run from September 26 – 28. Moreover, the event will be a forum featuring NASA officials to discuss space and underwater tourism.

The congress has been planned since Spain joined NASA’s Artemis space exploration program. Artemis promotes collaboration between 28 countries, relating to returning to the Moon and planning future journeys to Mars.

What is on the agenda at Sutus 2023?

The name Sutus is short for Space & Underwater Tourism Universal Summit and part of the Sutus 2023 agenda will see a presentation by the Spanish company Halo Space. The company aims to make safe and sustainable journeys into space. Starting from 2025, the journeys will include green, zero-emission commercial flights.

Sutus 2023 Space Congress
[Image SUTUSummit/Facebook]
The experience will take place in a capsule with a capacity for nine people, traveling to an altitude of 37 km (23 mi). The trip will allow the passengers to enjoy views of space on a trip lasting between four and six hours.

Meanwhile, Halo Space has already implemented its first test flight in India on December 7. The company explains that this test flight served to check that the navigation and safety operations work perfectly.

Above Space luxury hotel

Above Space - accommodations in space
[Image @abovespacedev/Twitter]
Another exciting project to be announced at the congress is dubbed Above Space, a plan to build the first accommodation for tourists in space. Tim Alatorre, head of the Above Space project, said its aim is to launch two space stations, fitted with accommodations for tourists. One is set to launch in 2025 with a capacity of 28 guests, while another is to launch in 2027 with a capacity of 400 guests.

“It will have all the comforts of a luxury hotel, but in space,” Alatorre explained.

Sutus 2023 Space Congress in Marbella, Spain

Any reader wishing to attend the event can do so here.

Readers, are you excited about the possibility of traveling to space and potentially staying at a space hotel offering views of the Earth? Let us know by dropping a comment below.