5 Eco-Adventures To Experience In The Philippines In 2022
1. Explore active volcanoes in the Philippines
One of them, Mount Pinatubo, is a few hours’ drive from Manila. The volcano last erupted in June 1991, causing widespread devastation. However, fast forward three years and Mount Pinatubo has become a popular day trip for hikers, due to its incredible crater lake. While the lake is beautiful to look at, swimming is banned due to high sulfur levels.
Meanwhile, there is also the moon-like lahar canyon, formed from the flow of lava. Tours here start off with an exciting jeep ride to the start of the trail, after which is an easy hike to the crater. Make sure you carry a scarf or mask to cover your face as the wind can blow up dust.
2. Snorkle Apo Reef
Here, divers can spot around 400 coral species and between 400-500 marine creatures, including rays, sharks, tuna and more. For those staying overnight on Apo, starlight views of the Milky Way are quite incredible.
3. Kayak through Hundred Islands National Park
4. Explore an underground river
As you head out along the river, your tour guide will shine a high-strength flashlight to reveal the amazing stalactite and stalagmite formations along the way. Meanwhile, looking down into the water will reveal the lively underwater marine life living there.