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Travel Myths That Are Actually HUGE Costly Mistakes

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These travel myths are actually huge, and often costly, mistakes. Make sure you are getting the best deals and saving the most money with these busted myths.

MYTH Independent and third-party sites always offer the best accommodation.

I can’t tell you how many times we’ve covered the use of third party sites on Tourist Meets Traveler. They are great tool for negotiation, but rarely a good deal all said and done. Airbnb is another money-saving option people are flocking to use, but the truth is, they aren’t not ALWAYS the best deal. You can often score perks, deals, and major discounts through traditional hotels when you book directly through the hotel’s website. So, make sure you are researching that hotel after you dig through third-party sites and get the scoop on Airbnb’s offerings.

Related: Hotel Hacks – Tips for Booking and Room Tricks

MYTHTaxis are the safest option, so splurge on a cab.

Public transportation is an amazing way to save money, not to mention experience the culture. Hailing a taxi, on the other hand, can rack up a huge bill quickly. Most cities public transportation options are totally safe, and some even offer train cars and buses exclusively designated for female passengers during prime travel hours. Check with your hotel concierge or do a little digging into options and tips before you travel to ensure your safety.

MYTHUsing travelers checks and relying on cash only – are the best ways to keep your money safe.

Some people will go to great lengths to keep their money safe, especially when traveling abroad. That’s a smart move, but the best way to keep your money safe while traveling is to carry the least amount of cash possible. Now that we live in a card-dependent world, banks are partnering with international institutions to provide services like no foreign ATM fees. Credit card companies are equally as savvy and often offer their cardholders the same privilege. Find an ATM and card that will allow you to withdraw cash on an as-needed basis. Also, make sure you avoid freestanding ATMs as they are easier for crooks to tamper with.

Related: 7 Ways to Cut Travel Fees – Vacation on a Budget Without Sacrificing Fun

What travel myth surprises you the most? Do you have a go-to tip for saving money while traveling. Share your busted travel myths and tips in the comment section below.