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Tips to Help You Sleep on a Plane – Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep

Tips to Help You Sleep on a Plane - Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep

Travel can be exhausting, and getting rest can even more frustrating. These tips will help you sleep on a plane, fall asleep, and stay asleep.

1. Pack what you need to sleep. If you have a favorite blanket or pillow (that is a manageable size), bring it in your carry-on or personal item.

2. Getting comfortable is half the battle. Make sure you have some earplugs or earphones you can plug into your iPod or phone for something soothing sounds.

Related: The Most Annoying People On A Plane – Patrick Stewart Edition, Plus How To Deal

3. Pack an empty water bottle and fill it up once you get past TSA, so you have something to drink. Now, you won’t worry about missing drink service on the plane.

4. Stretch out before you get on the plane. A little yoga just before you leave the hotel would be even better!

5. Slip your shoes off – clean feet and socks only, please – and rest your feet on your carry-on luggage to improve your postures.

6. Don’t forget a sleep mask. Even if you never wear one at home, make sure you cover your eyes to block out light from the windows and fellow passengers devices.

7. If you have trouble with neck pain after sleeping on the plane, try one of those hand neck pillows. If your head has a habit of falling forward, wear the pillow around the front of your neck like a necklace. It will support your chin and keep your head pushed back against your headrest.

8. Try a snack that makes you sleepy. Avoid sugary treats from the trolley and try peanut butter and crackers or cheese and crackers, almonds, cherries, and dark chocolate. (Note that milk chocolate contains tyrosine which the body converts to dopamine – a stimulant.)

Related: 5 Uncomfortable and Creepy Things People Do on a Plane

9. Avoid alcohol. Some think that a little nightcap helps you relax and drift off to sleep. It might, but alcohol actually helps to prevent you from entering those deep stages of sleep your body needs.

10. The front of the plane tends to be busy, and research suggest rows 6 and 7 are the most popular choices, especially for families. Aim to sit at the back of the plane, away from the toilet, so you have the quietest spot.