Finland & Croatia Team Up For Pilot Project To Test Digital Travel Documents

Eventually, paper passports could become a thing of the past, as Finland and Croatia have launched a joint project. In fact, the year-long Digital Travel Credential (DTC) pilot project will test digital travel documents at air traffic external borders. Read on to find out more about this new, digital test that will hopefully make travel easier and crossing borders less stressful.
Finland and Croatia launch Digital Travel Credentials (DTC) pilot project

For the new project to run smoothly, both Finnish and Croatian authorities have said they will install special equipment to test digital travel documents at border checkpoints. During the test, border checkpoints at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and Zagreb International Airport will be used.
A statement by the Finnish Border Guard reads as follows:
The purpose of the digital travel document is to facilitate travel and speed up border checks. In the pilot project, the technical capabilities to test digital travel documents will be built at the border checkpoints at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and Zagreb International Airport.
Also, it has been revealed that authorities in both countries will request passengers on selected flight routes to test the pilot project voluntarily. Meanwhile, passengers using the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport are expected to start testing the DTC this coming spring.
How will this work for volunteer travelers?
Passengers who volunteer for the testing process will be given access to a mobile application, where the digital travel document is stored. Moreover, prior to leaving for their trip, passengers will be asked to send their information from the app to the border inspection authorities. This is in order to get the documents checked in advance.
Once the volunteers taking the trip are at the border check, their photos will be taken. This photo will then be used to connect the digital travel document with the traveler. However, during the pilot project, even though going through the process above, travelers will still be required to carry a valid passport with them.

The Finnish Border Guard explains the project:
Finnair from Finland and the Croatian Ministry of the Interior and the AKD doo company from Croatia are involved in the project. In addition, from Finland, the Finnish National Police Administration, the Finnish Immigration Service and Finavia participate in the project as associated partners.
It was also advised that the Police Administration of Finland is responsible for registering test subjects. It is also responsible for managing errors in travel document chips. On top of this, the Finnish Immigration System will be responsible for developing a digital residence permit via a digitally signed barcode.
Besides the DTC pilot project run by Finland and Croatia, authorities have also revealed that a similar project is currently underway for air traffic between Canada and The Netherlands.
In the wake of the past COVID-19 pandemic, with all its complicated travel requirements, hopefully, the introduction of digital travel documents will solve some problems.