Weight Loss Hacks for Traveling
Losing weight can be tough, especially when you are on the road or trying to enjoy a vacation. Try these weight loss hacks for traveling to stick to your healthy eating lifestyle.
Related: 7 Exercises To Do While Traveling
Portable Snacks
Nuts – Almonds, cashews, and pistachios are some of the best choices in regards to health benefits. Try the roasted but unsalted varieties to enhance flavor without the sodium spike. While nuts, generally speaking, are the healthier snack options, try to avoid macadamia nuts and pecans.
Jerky – Thanks to the protein-packed hearty treat, jerky has become pantry staple for the good side of snacking. It’s hearty and chewy, which sends good signals to your brain to feel satisfied faster. Just make sure you skip the Slim Jims and look for brands that are nitrate-free, like Krave.
Vegetables – Veggies have been seizing a hold of the snack market and for good reason. The waist-friendly food is becoming more portable and tasty. With options like green pea crisps that satisfy that hankering for crunchy treats, vegetables are an amazing on-the-go snack option that will help you on your weight loss journeys.
Bring your own condiments! Many restaurants, hotels, and kiosks pack their condiments with calorie or chemical packed options that are bad for your healthy lifestyle change.
Coconut Oil – It seems like a trend, but this coconut oil option works many wonders. You can butter your toast for a sweeter treat or use it as a beauty remedy. It’s great for hair, skin, and nails. Skip the jar and look for the individually packaged portions.
Flavored Stevia – Stevia is made from a natural plant extract and has no calories. SweetLeaf has created a line of flavored stevia that uses non-fat or low-fat powdered milk. So, instead of dumping fat, calories, and chemicals into your coffee with the standard offerings of half-and-half or aspartame sweeteners, make your own flavored coffee the healthier way.
Eating out is inevitable when traveling. Realistically, you might spend the bulk of your trip sampling restaurant food. To maintain your weight loss track while dining out try these tricks…
1. Dressing on the side. Never order a salad with dressing already laced into the leaves. Order your dressing on the side and skip anything creamy like ranch or Cesare. Be careful with Italian dressings, too. Sometimes they are packed with parmesan. Stick to clear or colorful options.
2. Skip the breadsticks and rolls. If a restaurant offers a breadbasket or complementary carbs – ask your waiter or waitress not to bring them out. Instead, go for that salad – dressing on the side or a clear, broth-based soup.
3. Eat your proteins first. It will satisfy you faster and leave less room for starchy sides.
4. Soak up the oil from greasy foods like pizza with your napkin. Just lightly blot and instantly save calories.
5. Pack up larger portions. Sometimes you get behemoth-sized servings. Cut your meal in half and ask to box it up right away so you aren’t tempted to overeat. Even better, split over-the-top sized meals with a buddy to save money and unneeded calories.
Related: Cruise Travel: Helpful Tips To Help You Watch Your Weight and Enjoy The Great Food
Eating out can be challenge for your diet, but the more demand for healthy options – the greater the supply will be. If you have a favorite restaurant, ask how you can make your meal healthier by making substitutions like egg white in place of a whole egg. Combine your healthy substitutions with the weight loss hacks for traveling, and your next vacation won’t be full of sacrifices.