Explore The Hidden Side Of Denver, Colorado This Year
Those looking for fun head to Lower Downtown (LoDo), as well as the Santa Fee Arts district, the historic Five Points and the upscale Cherry Creek area. What makes the Mile High City even more convenient is the well-planned bike paths and parks, perfect for exploring Denver. However, the city also has a hidden side, with unique and fascinating locations to visit, some with a touch of the macabre.
The Terrorium Shop, 3611 W 49th Ave, Denver
Inside the store, the shelves are packed with handmade “preserved mini-worlds, along with a unique dome displaying preserved reptiles, animal bones and pinned insects. Based on the idea of a modern terrarium, a collection of glass planters combine living plants with bones to highlight the magical process of decay and regrowth.
The Room of Lost Things, 987 Santa Fe Drive
Fifty-Two 80’s, 1874 South Broadway, Denver
The packed shelves almost make it look like a museum of pop culture, with its memorabilia, toys and clothing. Those born during a certain time will well up seeing so many toys from their younger days. Meanwhile, the displays hold Cabbage Patch Kids, New Kids on the Block, Garbage Pail Kids, and many boxes of trading cards.
Browsing Fifty-Two 80’s will take shoppers back in a time machine to that wonderful time when no one had a smartphone and when cartoons played on TV each weekend. Visit the store’s website to learn more
Enjoy the hidden and sometimes macabre side of the Mile High City on your next visit to Denver, Colorado.