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Backpacking Through Europe: Pre-Trip Planning – 6 (Plus Some More) Essential Must-Have Items!

Backpacking Through Europe: Pre-Trip Planning - 6 (Plus Some More) Essential Must-Have Items!

I’m getting ready to head out on a two(ish) week backpacking adventure through Europe and, as I sit in the airport staring at my buckled-up pack, I hope I’ve remembered everything that I need to survive during my time abroad. Of course, it’s not like I’ll be traveling to a place where I can’t locate a forgotten item (you know, dem thangs called stores exist); however, that being said, I’d rather not have to wander around a new city begging someone for a toothbrush or lint roller. Honestly, you have NO IDEA how much I love to lint roll things, so my travel lint rolling tool gives me both life and the will to keep traveling. In fact, I should probably open up a lint-rolling business.

Like most people who travel, I have the things that I personally deem necessary that other people probably do not. For example, I like to doodle/sketch on occasion, especially when I’m out on a WiFi-less adventure, so I carry with me a small, lightweight sketchbook and pen. This trip, I also brought a long a tiny (extremely adorable) watercolor set that fits into a mini-size Altoids mint canister – as I’m expecting the things I see and document on my trip to be quite colorful.

So what else do I think is needed on a little backpacking adventure?

1. A good backpack. I have an Osprey Porter 46. I find that I can cram quite a bit in it without it becoming too disorganized. This state of amazeballs cleanliness and order was thanks to . . . .

2. Travel cubes. I’m sure any brand will work, and I’d consider seeking out the best deal, as they all serve the same purpose and function. I am using E-Cubes. I brought along two fully stuffed large cubes and two fully stuffed medium ones. In the large cube, I got 9 shirts in there (please don’t think about how wrinkled they’ll be when I go to put them on). I filled the medium cubes up with all my cheetah-print thongs socks and underwear.

3. Travel bed sheet. I have a Cocoon brand. They rollup really small, so they don’t take up much space, and you’ll want this for protection against bed bugs. Yuck-O. If you can manage to get a small pillow in with your things, too, that’s never a bad idea either.

4. Travel day pack. Once you find a hub for a couple of days, there’s no reason for you to be lugging around your giant travel backpack. So, if you have space or are willing to carry a second piece around on travel days, then consider getting a smaller one, too. Mine carries my laptop and whatever else I want easily accessible on the plan (reading book, travel docs, snacks, glasses, etc.)

5. Passport neck wallet. I love these. They perfectly carry your passport, money, and even a few small (or wadded up) brochures. Because lordy knows you’re going to get enough of those! The necklace feature allows you to wear it close to your body – under the shirt is recommended – while you’re out and about. While I am an adept ninja, and my neon Batman cap does give me immense confidence when perusing foreign streets, it never hurts to have a bit of extra security . . . especially when your soul and livelihood is inextricably linked to your passport. Seriously, when traveling, your passport is like a horcrux. Harry Potter reference for those poor, unfortunate souls who didn’t jive with that.

6. Toiletries. I can’t list them all here, but the most important thing is to bring the stuff that you enjoy using that you can’t get – and probably won’t be able to get – while traveling. Of course, everybody has their individual needs and wants.

This is a super small list, and there are probably tons of other things that I’ve chosen not to mention. Like, for example, that combo lock you will be needing if you plan on dropping your stuff in lockers. There are so many important things, so now it’s your turn: What are your must-haves while traveling – whether as a backpacker or a Stay-Put-HUMIN (Definition: people who stay in one place for longer periods of time and who, often, carry with them defined plans, routes, agendas, etc.)?

Leave your ideas, thoughts, or “packing essentials” inspirations in the comments section below – and don’t forget to keep checking TMT to cure that Travel Bug of yours. The first destination on My Backpacking Through Europe Trip will be Copenhagen, Denmark. I look forward to sharing with you my pictures, stories, and travel tips once I arrive and get settled.

Keep those wanderlustful hearts of yours beating strong, friends.